Goin' Solo on my Tri this weekend!

on 6/10/08 1:03 am - League City, TX
I've hit some major milestones in my fitness accomplishments and I'm trilled to be able to continue to challenge myself.  In April I completed the MS150 and accomplished all the goals I wanted.  Back in 2003, at 300 lbs.  I did my first tri as part of a relay team; I did the cycling.  No matter my weight I have never my level of fitness for granted, as even at 340 lbs. I was what some people call fat and fit.  Of course I wasn't totally healthy, but I was far from immobile and was active all the time taking step, kick-boxing and cycling. Now, nearly 140 lbs. lighter it's time for me to do my first tri, solo.  Just me.  I'm nervous and excited.  Afraid and at the same time motivated. I lurk here more often than post (I should be better, I know), and just wanted to say thanks to all of you who provide such great information and share your experiences!  Donna
Linn D.
on 6/10/08 1:58 am - Missoula, MT
Since you've been part of a team before, you have a much better idea of how things will go than I did on my first, so I doubt you'll have any trouble at all!  Good luck to you and I'm sure we all look forward to hearing how it goes.      Linn
on 6/10/08 3:38 am - MI
So your a lurker? Well we have very painful things we do to "Lurkers". Seriously, I'm glad you came our of the "closet" and decided to join us.

A triathlon is a great way to stay focused and get healthy. When I finished my first triathlon I was so overjoyed, and the emotions just came over me. No one seen it because I am a tough guy, and cant let people see me cry. But deep down, I was very emotional with my accomplishments.

Be sure to get involved in our daily posts, and more importantly, good luck on your upcoming tri.

on 6/10/08 3:44 am - Los Angeles, CA
Congratulations, Donna.  Good luck. Kim
Without struggle, there is no progress.

on 6/10/08 6:28 am
Have fun with it. It is an awesome expeience.
Soft And Lovely
on 6/10/08 9:35 am - IL
Best of luck this weekend!  I really hope you'll come back and post the results for those of us just starting out.

*I'm not a big fan of scales.  The real numbers are on my profile.
**Weight on the sun (sure the numbers are high but look how fast you lose!)

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