Clearly Insane Triathlon Dreams

Soft And Lovely
on 6/7/08 4:59 am - IL
Hello All, This is the first time I've ever been to this forum but I like it!  I was sitting here just the other day thinking about how even after two months my energy level is really starting to increase!  Then I started pondering incorporating more strenuous exercise into my life (we've been walking daily).  I've been reading posts about running and I lurked over at the men's board and I read the story of that one guy who did that big triathlon and I thought. "hmm... wonder if I could do one of those!"  Alright now folks, you gotta understand, NOTHING like this has ever popped into my tiny little cranium before!  I guess it's because I never really believed I had a shot at getting fit enough to make it real before.  But now, I think this could really happen!  I'm giving myself a year to train and I'm starting with a teeny "Sprint" Triathlon.  But I'm excited!  I'm starting small.  Just got myself a stationery bike and I'm planning to SLOW start the couch to 5K.  Any triathletes out there with tips for a fatty starting out?

*I'm not a big fan of scales.  The real numbers are on my profile.
**Weight on the sun (sure the numbers are high but look how fast you lose!)

Scott William
on 6/7/08 10:54 am
To quote or paraphrase Dr. Phil (sorry men):  A goal is a dream with a deadline. Pick a race and sign up for it as soon as you read this post.  There is nothing that will motivate you more than having signed up.  As far as the specifics, I have no clue.  There are some here that will help you but good luck.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Soft And Lovely
on 6/7/08 11:04 am, edited 6/7/08 11:50 am - IL

Excellent idea!  Wonder if i can sign up a year in advance.  Lemme go to their website and see. ***UPDATE****

Can't sign up til Dec. 1.    Still it's an excellent idea.  I think I'm gonna look for a couple of 5k walk/runs to sign up for in the next few months.  I think I'd be in good enough shape to handle that by August or Sept.

*I'm not a big fan of scales.  The real numbers are on my profile.
**Weight on the sun (sure the numbers are high but look how fast you lose!)

Linn D.
on 6/7/08 12:47 pm - Missoula, MT
I'm just a beginner in the triathlon arena.  I've done one and will do my second next weekend.  I doubt that you'd need a full year to train, but do what you feel comfortable with.  If you're not a swimmer, I'd get started with that first since you're already walking regularly and thinking about a couch to 5k program.  The bike portion is usually less challenging for most people than either the run or the swim.  I don't bike outside much but take lots of spinning classes.  There are also a lot of books, magazines, and online support for training plans, so devour as much as you can tolerate for a while.  It will inspire you and help you get better ideas of how you want to go about things with the time you have and the body you have to work with.  It really is great to make those goals and to see them through.       Linn
Soft And Lovely
on 6/7/08 1:02 pm - IL
Really?  With over 90 pounds left to lose and zero experience you think I could be ready in less than a year?  How cool would that be!?   I just went out and bought a stationary bike because that's what beginning triathlete site said would be best to start with.  I haven't officially begun the training regimen but naturally I tried it out :-).  Monday will be my first official biking/weight training day.  Tuesday will be my first couch to 5k day but I will probably need to do some of the weeks on both training programs more than once.   For the swimming I think I'm going to take private lessons to make sure my stroke is what it should be.  You're right I really should work out the specifics of my swimming training schedule.  Wonder if they have a "couch to 400m" type training plan for swimming...

*I'm not a big fan of scales.  The real numbers are on my profile.
**Weight on the sun (sure the numbers are high but look how fast you lose!)

on 6/7/08 11:50 pm - MI

I am also no expert on triathlon, however I did one last August after having WLS in February. It was something I had in my cranium as well, but had it planned for this Summer. However I found a mini sprint that had a short 300 yard swim, 6 mile bike and a 5K run. I read a couple books in preperation. The first was called something like "Your first triathlon" in answered most every question a newbie to Triathlon could ever ask. It even a a training plan.

I started off following the plan, but I needed to make it fit my schedule so I eventually wandered away from it. Maybe its my undiagnosed ADHD, but I get bored if I following something day in and day out. I basiclly set out a certain amount of time/miles to get in each way, and as long I got them in I felt okay.

Swimming is usually where EVERYBODY is weak. For some reason people think that since they have always "swam" in the back yard pool that a triathlon swim would be no different. Well it's alot different. For one, there are upwards of a hundred other people in the same body of water as you and going in the same direction.

Also the importance of the swim is because you cant do either of the other 2 disciplines if you cant succesfully finish the swim leg. Once you get our of the water, everything else is workable.

Just like Linn said, go get in the pool, and if you can get some coaching that would be even better. I taught myself to "swim" and I'm paying for it now. I would put in the needed weekly miles, but I picked up a lot of bad habits that I'm having difficulty getting rid of. If you cant swim with the proper technique once your tired, just get out of the water or else you will pick up those bad habits.

I know I keep saying it, but its something I believe in. Get outside and do the run and biking. Heck, in an ideal world even do your swim outside in a lake. Simulate each of the disciplines as you would do them on a race day.

There is no need to go out and by a big expensive bike (just yet). The road or mountain bike you or a family member already has is more than enough.

I agree with what I think Scott or Linn said, the best way to motivate you is with a deadline in the horizon. I think if you find a super sprint for August/September then that would be a great way to motivate yourself. However be sure to find one with a really short swim, bike and run. The first race all your trying to do is fini****s not about making the Olympic team on your first race.

You wont be able to sign up for next years races until late Winter at the earliest. At least those up here around us.

Be sure to stay here and feed off of everyones energy, and the next thing you know, you will be crossing that finish line of your first triathlon.

Oh yeah, be sure to sign up for any local 5k's even if its next week (yes, even if you walk the entire thing). Its all about getting out and staying motivated.

Linn D.
on 6/8/08 12:54 am - Missoula, MT
Nice reply Curt!  I never knew you could be so long-winded.  YOU?   ADHD!  I totally believe it!      Linn
on 6/8/08 1:39 am - MI
Well I hate taking my meds, but when I take my flintstone chewable vitamins I can type for hours.
Soft And Lovely
on 6/8/08 6:48 am - IL
Thanks for the thoughtful  reply Curt.  I was looking at that "Your First Triathlon" book and I thought about getting it but decided on "The Slow, Fat Triathlete".  I think I'll get the one you suggest too.  I already plan to run outside as long as weather permits but you have really given me food for thought on the "bike outside" point.   I think you are probably right that I need to get out and ride.  My main problem is my daughter.  One of my planned biking days is Saturday when we are home together.  She can't ride a bike yet and she's too heavy for me to pull in one of those trailer deals yet.  But that's only one day, I can train indoors for that one day and outdoors during the week when she's at daycare (sorry just thinking out loud). Thanks for the bike tip too.  I don't own a bike.  Me and bike seats haven't gotten along in years!  But Walmart has some pretty cheap ones so I might go and invest in a middle range mountain bike?  Should I get that kind if I'm buying fresh or should I get the "lean over" kind? Well thanks again!

*I'm not a big fan of scales.  The real numbers are on my profile.
**Weight on the sun (sure the numbers are high but look how fast you lose!)

on 6/8/08 6:54 am - MI
Buying a bike. My only suggestion would be to buy/borrow/steal or rent whatever you are most comfortable riding. Just this year I switched to a triathlon bike. The tri bikes sure are fast, and light, but they arent the most comfortable. So I say go out and find whatever is comfortable for you. Period, end of story.

Just because its say to ride your bike on Saturday doesnt mean you cant switch a day to help fit your schedule. So keep that in mind.

Good luck on your goal...
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