REALLY embarassing running question...

on 6/5/08 4:24 am - Buffalo, NY
Ok guys...I am new to running...I've become addicted to it, I love it!!! I'm almost 7 months out of WLS, down 86lbs, and I'm running when I never thought I would!! I have been working on the couch to 5k program...scouring over the Runners World website...I am up to running anywhere from 15 minutes to 30 minutes at a time without stopping, up to 2.5, 2.8 miles at a time (can't quite hit 3 miles)...I run at around 5.2 mph right now with bursts of 5.7 to 6.0 for anywheres from 1-3 minutes every so often to burn a little extra calories and to push myself. HOWEVER.... Lately...EVERY time i run...I end up having to stop because...well, even on a COMPLETELY empty stomach, I end up with extreme lower abdominal discomfort, and I either end up feeling like I'm going to throw up (which I don't), or.... It NEVER fails....what is wrong with me?!?!
on 6/5/08 6:37 am - MI
I am for once speechless. Not sure what to say or suggest. Initially I was thinking its just the need to get in better shape, but not entirely sure.

Are you eating prior to exercising? If you are, is it easy foods?

Wish I could help more than what little bit I did...

Linn D.
on 6/5/08 7:21 am - Missoula, MT
Join the crowd!  There is a very large number of people who get what they call the "runner's trots."  No one really knows what causes it, but I can tell you I experience this often.  I noticed at first when my intensity would increase, so would the cramps.  For me it was also every day when I was in the earlier stages of running.  I usually only have 2-5 minutes when they start before I need to use the potty.  Sometimes I can make it through a long run, sometimes I have to stop at 3 miles.  What helps me to a certain degree is drinking a couple cups of coffee (which works a little as a laxative).  If I go before I run, the chances of needing to stop and run to the potty are much less.  I also try to not eat salad the night before I'm going to run in the morning.  As you improve your stamina and fitness level I think it will lessen some, but you just get used to it somehow.  Any time I do a race longer than a 10K I always map out where on the route the pottys are - and I started running over 4 years ago.  Sorry but it's just somethig some of us have to deal with.      Linn
Scott William
on 6/5/08 9:43 pm
No embarassment here. As Linn stated, join the club.  I would need to count on two hands the number of times I have needed to make emergency stops (sometimes in the woods) while running in the last two years.  I don't leave the house now without an emergency supply of toilet paper.  Frank Shorter had a race where he had diarrhea and was in first.  He couldn't stop but he really had to go.  He did both and won.  I think it may have even been the 72 olympics.  It is more common than you may think. The key is to get in tune with your body and what works and doesn't.  One of the problems is that having had surgery, things are different than before so what you have figured out over the course of your life is different now.  I never had issues with anything.  My stomach was a tank. Now a few sips of poland spring water guarantees two trips to the woods. - water???  If I have dairy the night before a run - forget it.  Too much Gatorade, sugar - forget it.  There are many things that I must avoid to have a good run.  It may just take time for you to figure out what your foods to avoid are and over time you will.  Just be aware of what you eat and keep a running journal that includes what you ate.  You may find a pattern. Uutil then, pack some TP and find a route with public bathrooms.  They are more common than you think. Good luck

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 6/5/08 10:27 pm - Long Island, NY
Yes, I'd have to say, join the club.  I find that I have to go about 2-3 miles into a run, so I try to plan a route that will bring me near a bathroom at the point.  It is also a good strategy to carry tp with you.  You will find what works for you with time.  I've also found that this is a problem when I run in the morning, but not on my evening runs. Mary

5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
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Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

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