exercise slump

liz A.
on 6/3/08 9:27 am
I think I'm in one.  I still do a couple times per week, but I need/want to do more.  I just need to.    anyone else go through slumps like this?  time to snap out of it.    gotta get movin.   gotta keep on keepin on. gotta toss out more cliches. 

chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!  ACK!  
                                    -liz lemon

Linn D.
on 6/3/08 9:46 am - Missoula, MT
Are you really in a slump or do you just not feel good?  Sometimes taking a week or two off helps.  I'm such a goal-oriented person and extremely internally motivated that it's easier for me to talk myself INTO exercising than resting.  You might also just be tired of what you're doing and not finding it fun anymore.  Try something new for a while and see if that helps your motivation.  I don't know what else to say, but try to at least keep busy walking with your dog.  The health benefits are so great when you just keep moving regardless of any sorts of goals.  I really do feel for you, and hope you find something that works for you.     Linn
on 6/3/08 9:48 am - Salem, OR
Me, me, me!  I'm raising my hand high!!!  I'm not sure what my problem is.  I have the desire to go work out and I feel guilty when I'm not.  But I lack some serious motivation!!!  My knee has been bothering me lately and it makes it less enjoyable to run when it's irritated.  Maybe we need to kick each others butts!!!  Hey, I like your new picture by the way!  Cute! --Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

Cassie W.
on 6/3/08 11:11 am
Hey Kellee.  It's great to see you back on the boards!  I was just thinking about you today, wondering if you were on vacation. I think we all get into a funk once in a while.  Sometimes we just need a break to re-energize.  Sometimes we need lab work to make sure we're not low on iron.  Sometimes, we just need something new and exciting to motivate us again - be it the next race, a new exercise partner or the promise of a shopping trip for reaching a goal. If you just need a good kick in the butt, just don't beat yourself up too much or you'll be too sore to exercise. Cassie
"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 6/3/08 11:30 am - MI

I get in these slumps often, but then I look at my list races that Ive signed up for. I use this as motivation, because I hate failing at something, and wasting money. If I sign up for an event, I want to be assured I will compete and complete that specific race/event.

Sign up for another 5 or 10K and use it as motivation.

Rob S.
on 6/4/08 1:10 am - DE
I have actually never gotten in a exercise slump.  The reason is that I love to eat now.  If I exercise I can eat.  If I eat the same amount (3000-3400 calories) and don't work out, I think I would start gaining weight.  Plus not sure what I would with all that free time.  So, my best advice is just to get out there, and start moving!  Once you start, you should remember how much you love it, and the rest is history. Rob
on 6/4/08 5:41 am - MI

Have you kicked the exercise funk youre in? Have you gotten back to running yet? It seems you have a run scheduled for the 14th. Better get busy or I will have someone kick you in the butt to get you going..

Ha Ha
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