First triathlon race report - kinda long

Chris Zane
on 6/1/08 9:23 am

I DID IT !!!! I finished my first triathlon.  What a great experience. I woke up at 5:00 am and got ready – most of my stuff was already in the car.  I loaded up my bike and tried to pump up the tires, but it was too dark to see the dial on the pump.  I figured I do it when I got there.  Headed over the park.  It was 54 degrees out and I was feeling a bit cold.  There was a medium wind from the east that was making a bit colder still.


I got checked in and had my numbers written on (in permanent marker – how do you get that off??), and got my chip.  Set up my transition area.  I wanted to be as close as possible to the water so that I didn’t have to run too far in bare feet.  Close to the start time, we decided that we should get in the water so that it wasn’t such a shock to the system when we started the race.  The water was cold – about mid-60s and I didn’t have a wet suit.  Most people didn’t have them, but some did.  It was actually a little warmer in the water due to being out of the wind.  The buoys in the water looked way too spaced out – it was supposed to be 400m.  At the last minute, they sent the boats out and moved the buoys in some, what a relief – the crowd cheered.


For this tri, they had a choice of group or individual start.  I had signed up for individual to keep out of the thick of it.  My friend and I decided to basically run in right after the wave of the women’s group start.  And we were off.  I did fine for the first 100m or so and then took a pretty hard blow to the head which knocked my goggles off and made me swallow some water.  I treaded and breast stroked for a time to get resettled then was off again.  I somehow got in between two women doing breaststroke and could not seem to shake them.  They were hitting and kicking all over the place.  I felt like I was making pretty good time and actually passing some people.  I looked over and saw a guy go by and wondered “what is he doing?”  Then I realized he was running by me and we were at the end.  I checked my watch and it was about 9:07, I think.  Wow – I was estimating 10-12 minutes.  I was psyched – I was ahead of my plan.


I ran up the hill to transition.  It was a lot harder than practicing in my living room.  My hands were numb and the adrenaline was up.  I was breathing hard.  I got my bike and ran out and jumped on.  I took off too fast and within a mile or so was dying.  I slowed down to catch my breath.  The bike ride was great.  They had most of the streets blocked off and tons of volunteers encouraging you on the way.  In my training, I usually averaged about 13.5 mph.  This time, I averaged 14.5 mph.  Wow – I was feeling great again.  Got to the transition and off the bike.  Legs were wobbly, but I got the bike back to the rack and ran out (wore the same shoes on bike and run).  I finished the bike (16k) in 40:07, about 3 minutes faster than my training time. 


I glanced at my watch as I started the run and it said :54.  I realized that I could actually beat 1 hour 30 minutes over all.  I started running (5k) – it was hard, that’s my hardest sport by far.  It was a beautiful course.  The sun had come out and it was probably in the 60s and just really pleasant.  I walked some, but I usually do.  I haven’t worked up to running that far all at once.  As I was coming down the home stretch, I looked at my watch and realized I would finish in under 1:30.  I crossed the finish line and my overall time was 1:28:36!!!   


I finished 21st out of 29 in my age/gender group and 385 out of 485 overall, so I actually finished faster than 100 people.  I was worried I’d be last.


Wow – what a day.  I think I’m addicted.  That was the most fun I’ve had in a long time.  I’m signed up for two more shorter triathlons this month.  There is another one this length in August, so I think I’ll do that one too.


If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading.  If you haven’t tried triathlons, they are a blast.
on 6/1/08 9:43 am - Long Island, NY
Wow, sounds like a great job.  I'd love to try a triathlon, but I'm not much of a swimmer.  After the NYC Marathon this year I'm going to look into swimming lessons and see if I can't get a tri under my belt. Congrats on a great job! Mary

5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

Linn D.
on 6/1/08 10:13 am - Missoula, MT
Mary,   I'm a really crappy swimmer, and I just bite the bullet.  After my first, I wasn't sure I wanted to do another, but here I go again.  It is getting better though, it just takes getting used to being in the water.    Linn
Linn D.
on 6/1/08 10:14 am - Missoula, MT
I'm so glad you had a fabulous experience doing your first tri!  Here's to the next!   Linn
on 6/1/08 11:08 am - MI
Great race report. I remember my first triathlon as though it was yesterday. In fact, I am kinda in the dumps today because I watched some fellow club members in a triathlon today, and I should have been in it. But I couldnt get off work early enough to take part.. reading others race reports are the next best thing..

Now find your next triathlon and get right back in the water..

Chris Zane
on 6/1/08 11:19 am
Hey Curt, you were probably watching the same one I was in.  Was it the Hawk Island one?
on 6/1/08 11:25 am - MI
No, I was actually at the Seahorse Challenge in Climax, Michigan...

on 6/1/08 11:27 am - MI
Duh, I just looked at your surgeons name and realized where you were from... What part are you from?
Cassie W.
on 6/1/08 8:46 pm
Thanks for all the details of your first tri.  The excitement in your report is contagious and the details help those of us who are intrigued, but scared, give the event serious thought.  I don't know about that mid-60-degree water, though.  I have trouble climbing into our own pool for anything less than 75-degrees. Congratulations! Cassie
"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

Judi J.
on 6/2/08 1:13 am - MN
way to go! Sounds like you did great! I am worried about all the maniacs in the water too.
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