Sunday exercise ...

on 6/1/08 1:57 am - Salem, OR
Come on everybody!  What did ya do??? I ran 6.25 miles.  Had a calf cramp for about 5 miles but I muscled through it and got it done!  Woo hoo! --Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

on 6/1/08 3:47 am - MI
Well I biked some 20 miles on the way back home from work. I took a little detour which ended up totally 20 miles. I'm hoping to get family things accomplished and go out for my maiden voyage in my new wetsuit.

Oh wait, does watching a triathlon count for any exercise points? It was a really good Sprint, Olympic distance triathlon. How about a couple extra exercise point?

Cant decide if I want to bike back to work tonight for my OT shift or take the truck and give it a good bath.

Scott William
on 6/1/08 4:21 am
I ran a 5K road race this morning.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 6/1/08 4:27 am - MI

Great job on your 5K. How did you do?
Sherry S.
on 6/1/08 5:23 am - Warner, NH
Well, I bought a "band" thingie, by the Firm that also had a DVD. It was a 30 minute routine, and i think i got thru 20 min. of it. Its harder than I thought, but I think its one I will love to do. Anything that feels like stretches..i Love... Oh..I hauled from the basement 2 wet loads of laundry out side to hang them. That has to account for exercise. I worked up a sweat on that one! Sherry..
              Mini Goal : 10 lbs by 4/16/10
Start/294 Surgery/263.6  Current/248  Goal/155

 Start/291   Day of Surgery/262.6  Current/246.6  Personal Goal/155  Lost so far:  41.8

Linn D.
on 6/1/08 6:54 am - Missoula, MT
I went to the gym and used the entire 75 minutes allotted on the treadmill.  Walked the first 5 min then ran the next 70 (7.6 miles) at 6.5 mph.  My hips know I did a longer run, but the quads are good.  By the way, there was no getting in the groove today.  I was aware of all 70 minutes and only had 2 tiny spots on my shirt that weren't wet.  I was soaked!   Linn
Cassie W.
on 6/1/08 7:45 am

5.4 miles on the bike.  The quads were burning a bit and I actually worked up a sweat.    I've been using a borrowed bike.  I think it's about time for me to start shopping for my own.  I figure if I follow in Curt's footsteps and pedal to work, I'll have it paid for in 10 weeks with the gas savings. Cassie

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 6/1/08 8:34 am - MI

Dont follow to closely or some of my brain headed acts will rub off on you. Yes, biking to work is a great way to exercise as well as save some Yen.

If you do decide to bike to work dont bike there for the first time on a work day. Do it on a weekend to find the best/safest bike route. Also it will give you a good idea just how long it will take you to get there.. Sometimes the most direct route isnt the best way for safety.

Also you need a small backpack to carry your days clothes in.

Have fun commuting to work on a bike... It gets your day off on a positive note..

Cassie W.
on 6/1/08 8:11 pm
Curt, But, shouldn't I follow closely enough to get a peek at what all this extra riding is going to do for me? I've got a few routes that I would be able to take to work.  One has great shoulders, but is very busy.   The other route has less traffic, but no shoulders.  The first step is to figure out what bike to buy. Cassie
"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 6/1/08 8:36 pm - MI
But, shouldn't I follow closely enough to get a peek at what all this extra riding is going to do for me?

Ummmm, Ughhhhhh, Wellllllll, Ummmmmmm...

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