Susan Williams
on 5/30/08 12:17 pm
i know the belly is hard to get rid off...but how the heck can u get rid of it? i do cardio...( run, walk, swim) and sit ups....anyone do anything else..cuz i feel like its not helping...its helping in other places but not the belly!!!
Susan Williams

on 5/30/08 12:26 pm - Minneapolis, MN
Susan~I have actually found that my yoga practice has helped me the most, but the yoga studio I go to has a section in each practice dedicated strictly to working the core.  Some of the things we do are crunches with our legs in table top position or straight up (always with feet flexed), or with our feet together and knees out on the floor.  One of the most important things that is stressed is making sure to lift your heart up and keep you neck long so you are really just using the core muscles.  For the obliques we do bicycle crunches and side crunches.  I hope this helps some!

"When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

Linn D.
on 5/30/08 12:33 pm - Missoula, MT
The main thing is that belly fat is the last to leave.  They don't know why, but that's the fat that your body holds on to the longest.  You basically have to lose all the rest of your fat to lose the belly fat.  Core strengthening and toning is good anyway, like Nicole said, and you'll see come good benefits from it, it's just not possible to spot trim fat (without PS).   Linn
on 5/31/08 1:43 pm
Strange, I just posted how I talked to a trainer today and he said cardio is the best for burning the belly fat (lower abs).  When you do your cardio, do you always hold your stomach in?  This will strengthen your core as well. 

I lost a small person...the one inside who was telling me 'I wasn't beautiful enough'.  See ya later!  You are surely not missed!

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