Sprint Tri Training

on 5/30/08 4:41 am
So what do you guys do to train for a Tri. Currently I am doing the running, biking and just started swimming.  What I want to know is what other exercised do you do that you believe has helped your ability to complete/compete in a Triathlon. Specific exercises or activities would be great.   What is your training routine like?  When do you swim/bike/run or lift weight etc. Also how long in advance of the race do you start training hard, and when do you begin to back off. I have my first one September 14th of this year, and I desperately want to be able to complete it successfully.  I believe a failure to complete it would be detrimental to my ability or desire to do more of them. Thanks  Scott

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 5/30/08 6:08 am - MI

Last year was my first triathlon, and first race of any kind. I have no real plan for training. I just kinda keep in mind what I need to do in a week, and then try to fit it in during my week.

So far this year I have put in 2 times the amount of miles running than I did last year. As for biking I have put in some 3 times as many miles as last year. As for the swimming I am probably on pace with last year.

My suggestions would be to continue putting in miles in such a way that you dont burn yourself out. September is a long ways away. So dont put to much intensity into just yet. Just work on getting a good solid base in all 3 disciplines, and then I think everything will work out just fine.

One last thing, last year I would periodically run a mock triathlon to see how I think I will do for the triathlon. It doesnt have to be for speed, but more to get your mind feeling confident that you can complete the triathlon. Even if you swim at a club, just swim to desired length of your tri, and then go straight home, and do the other two parts.

Okay, one last thing, be sure to do "Brick" workouts. Bricks are where you bike then immediately do a run. To be a true brick it needs to be in order, because your legs need to get used to running on muscles that have just been biking.. Your legs will feel extremely wobbly and tired at first. Dont worry about doing the triathlon distance, just get some time running on wobbly legs... This alone in my mind will do wonders...

Good Luck

on 5/30/08 6:20 am

Thanks! I have tried the ride, run combo, and you sure do feel wobbly. It felt like my right knee was just going to collapse on me.  It didn't hurt, it just felt like a combination fo weakness and the sensation of a body part when it falls asleep.  All tingly and not providing the normally percieved feelings when running. Scott

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 5/30/08 6:24 am - MI
Exactly, Your using different muscles biking and running. The more you do it, the better you will overcome it on race day...

Chris Zane
on 5/30/08 8:23 am
I'm doing my first triathlon in two days.  For the most part I tried to do each of the three disciplines 2-3 times a week.  For the last month, each week, I've done the bike/run on the actual course to get used to it.  To be honest, I run better after riding than just running alone.  I think the biking gets me warmed up.  The swim is in a lake and I did all my training in a pool.  This past week, I swam once in the lake and it is VERY different than swimming in a pool. For the swim and bike, I usually did 1-2 times the actual triathlon distance.  For the run, I did the same running distance as the triathlon. You've got lots of time to prepare since it isn't until September. Good luck.
Linn D.
on 5/30/08 10:59 am - Missoula, MT
I can't remember where I found it because it was quite a while ago, but there are free training plans online - good ones.  They don't always specify distances, but usually times.  Like Curt said, be sure to do bricks.  One of the things I do is take a spin class then get on the treadmill without doing the cool down.  Although I've only done one tri, I'm signed up for another one June 16 and yet another August 23.  I'm also going to do a half marathon in July, so I will likely run more than most do.  I do 3-4 runs a week, 2-3 bike classes (don't have a road bike), and 2-3 swims.  Break them up a little, also.  Don't do both of the same things 2 days in a row.  If you do a brick one day, swim and run the next, then maybe bike and swim the day after that.  Most days you'll need to do 2 workouts.  I rarely lift, but if I get a chance, I'll do upper body once a week.  I also take one day a week off as a rest day.  By the way, I doubt that you'll have any trouble completing it.  You have tons of time to train.  Oh, also train in the clothes you plan on wearing to be sure they're going to be comfortable.  Let us know how things are working for you!  Linn
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