Advice needed...running/weights/lack of motivation ...

on 5/27/08 9:24 am - Salem, OR
OK you guys, I need your advice!  I've been training religiously for my first half marathon coming up on June 14.  I've been working out a lot and now I'm burning out like CRAZY!  I usually do a weight lifting class 2 times a week, run 4 times a week (including 1 long distance weekend run), and then do a cross training cardio workout 2 times a week.  My problem is that I'm exhausted.  My body is so tired and sore ... I took a weight lifting class yesterday as usual and today I am just so tired and sore!  I've been so unmotivated and am starting to resent all this training!  I know I need to just get myself to June 14 so that I can finish my first half marathon!  But, physically I am so tired.  So, do I quit doing the weight lifting class until my half marathon?  Or do I change something else up?  What do I do??????? --Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

on 5/27/08 9:47 am - MI
Okay, here I go again with some of my advice, but not sure if it will help.

1. How about take a break from your training and do something fun?
2. Keep training, but do something out of the ordinary. Take a spin class, or run somewhere that youve never run before.
3. Find a running partner to help you get motivated.
4. Lastly, use us as motivation. Maybe a friendly competition amongst us friends would benefit more than you.

From what I read, it shouldnt hurt you to take a day or two off and get your body rested up.

Lastly, dont let that powerful mind of yours mess with you. It has a habit of getting people to turn on themselves..

on 5/27/08 9:55 am - Salem, OR
Curt, you are so right!  I need to have some fun!  The problem is that I used to have fun going to the gym but lately it's been a chore.  I know I need to keep in shape to be ready for my half marathon and if I deviate from my routine (by not going), I have a hard time going back!  Right now I would love to sit on the couch for a week watching movies and eating bad food!  How's that for a bad attitude!  Haha! --Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

on 5/27/08 10:00 am - MI
I recently read a book regarding Triathlon training, and this Ironman author claimed that people over train to much. By over training, it causes the body and mind to be weaker on race day. He thinks that at a certain point each extra mile or rep is basically junk.

Maybe what you need is to spend a day or two on the couch. I am confident that you will eventually get back to the gym. You have worked so hard, and accomplished so much to not go back.

Maybe instead of going to the gym to lift weights, take a Yoga class, Spin class, roll around in the pool, take a bike ride, etc. Your lovely body is begging for a change of pace..

Thats my two cents worth..
on 5/27/08 10:10 am - Salem, OR
Hey Curt, can you come tag along with me!  You are so nice and have great advice!  Thank you!  Maybe I should go hang out in the pool or something ... that actually sounds nice right now!  I've never tried Yoga but I think I'd enjoy it and plan on taking a class as soon as I'm done with this half marathon business!  Thanks again for your kind words! --Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

on 5/27/08 10:14 am - MI
I would be honored to come hang out with you, but one problem, is safe for a Michigander in Oregon? Oh, and where in the heck is Oregon?? Ha Ha..

Listen to your body and take a break, it will only help you...

Yes, a dip in the pool is exactly what you need. Grab your suit, and head to the pool..

Your Friend,

on 5/27/08 10:20 am - Salem, OR
Ah, come on!  I'm way out west in the rain!  Haha!  I always have to work up the nerve to get into the pool ... and then once I need to get back out it seems like there are always a ton of people there watching!  I guess I just need to be proud of my saggy thighs and own up to them, huh? --D  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

on 5/27/08 10:24 am - MI
Out west? As in Colorado? Rain? No wonder you always run on the treadmill.

I have a feeling people are more watching you for you how great you look...


on 5/27/08 11:54 am - Salem, OR
Curt, you are totally my best friend now!  You are far too kind!!!  If you saw my thighs you might think differently!!! --Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

Cassie W.
on 5/27/08 10:20 am
Deanna, It sounds like you may need to give your body a chance to rest and recover, so you are good and strong for your half marathon.  The First Training Program, developed by a couple of exercise physiologists, recommends reducing strength training during the last two weeks before a key race.  Are you following a specific training plan for your half marathon? Most recommend a taper in your last two weeks. Consider giving yourself two complete rest days during each of these last two weeks.  The physical therapist that I worked with before Philadelphia told me "when in doubt, do less."  He said it's better to be slightly undertrained, than exhausted and/or injured going into a race. You have trained hard and are ready.  Savor the taper.   It feels strange to cut back, but it's essential for the body and the mind. Good luck! Cassie
"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

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