Sunday Run and Possible Anemia Problems
Well I did my long run on Sunday at Griffith Park ( 6 miles) and I did not like it at all. I run/walk at the rate of 50 secs/2 mins and I burned out before my running time is up (mostly). I took my asthma inhaler before I left home, but still had difficultly breathing. So, I decided that I needed to do some reading to see what is going on. What I found is that anemia mimics exhaustion- shortness of breath, dizziness and estreme fatigue. I did some blood work a month ago and while my iron was within the acceptable range (on the low end), my hemoglobin was very low. This past weekend, I purchased some iron pills (Vitron-C), so I am hoping that will work. Has anyone experienced what I have described? I was hoping to increase my running time by 10 seconds every 2 weeks, so that by the time I did the Long Beach Half-Marathon in October , I would be up to 1.50 mins of running time (with 2 mins. walking). I am going to repeat this running week and take note on how I react with the iron. If anyone has any suggestions regarding this, I would apprecicate it. Kim
My suggestion is to slow down your 50 second pace. I seen the way you start races!! Your training runs should be at 1-2 minutes slower than your regular pace. After a while you gain more speed with the more you run..
Hope that helps!!
So when your running run just fast enough so you can still talk while your running and not be out of breath!! See if that works!!
5'6" - 302/155-158
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Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06