Energy question

on 5/25/08 11:19 am - Portsmouth, NH
Hi all,   I did my third 5K of the summer today and have a new personal record - 11:46/mile!!  Yea!! It was a pretty flat course so that helped.  While it was flat, it was also very sunny most of the way.  It was about 70 degrees at race time - 11:00am.  Not super hot, but warm for NH in May!  Obviously I had a good race and felt great right after.  Because of the heat I skipped the beer tent and made sure to get some water in.  But since about 1 hour after the race until now (9pm) I've felt really tired and drained.  I'm thinking it was the heat.  Is there anything I could have done before or after to prevent that?  Some kind of energy drink without much sugar?  Some particular food?  thanks!!  Becky

Check out the video on youtube that my partner made about my WLS journey!

on 5/26/08 1:51 am
The beer tent may have helped.  Usually with a short distance race,  carb replacement is not as important as longer races.  However, it is important to fuel load with some carbs and a little protein within an hour after racing. (that is why-or one of the reasons- they have beer tents, even though it seems like a contradiction to health minded athletic types). Though you may train at this same distance- it is likely a slower pace since the was a personal best for you today.  Congrats or your race.  Next time eat within one hour. To replentish your stores so you feel better now- if you are not allready since it is the next day- eat well today- don't skimp on the carbs. Gatoraide wouln't hurt if you are still feeling wimpy. Cut it with 1/2 water if it is too sweet.  Best wishes.


Banded 10/29/07
Now- 5.2cc /10cc band
highest preop- 248, sugery- 238, current- 186, goal- 145

Cassie W.
on 5/26/08 9:36 am
Congratulations on a new personal record!   I am a big proponent of the banana before and after a race.  It has carbs and potassium.  It's also easy on my stomach.  I also drink G2 - it's the lower sugar version of Gatorade, during a long race or after a short one. The day before a race, I try to get in as much water as possible so I'm well hydrated going in. It's been trial and error trying to find the right balance of fuel.  Good luck on future races. Cassie
"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 5/27/08 5:05 am - Salem, OR
I totally second everything Cassie said!  I also firmly believe in my bananas before and after running!  And I love the G2 drinks ... I really like the grape flavor.  I know if I don't eat something right after running, my stomach gets all hard and I end up sick to my stomach.  Sometimes if I don't find a banana, I'll eat a Clif bar after a run too.   --Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

on 5/27/08 5:11 am - Portsmouth, NH
Hi - Thanks for the great info!  I'll definitely dry the banana idea, and will check out G2.  I've had some "sugar issues" so I'm glad there's lower-sugar gatorade.  I'm in Baltimore right now for a conference and am heading to the gym to do 4 miles.  It's too muggy outside for me to run outside today.  Hopefully it will be better tomorrow - looks like there are some good runs around here.  Thanks again! Becky

Check out the video on youtube that my partner made about my WLS journey!

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