Chasing down a dream....

on 5/24/08 7:37 pm - Baton Rouge, LA

Have you ever got an idea in your head of something you want to do and the more you wrap your brain around it the more you are just dying to do it?  It's almost like intoxication in the fact that you will do anything to make to make the dream come true and you don't know what you will do if it doesn't?   For me that dream is Ironman.   Every stroke in the pool, every revolution of the wheel on the bike and every footstrike on the pavement running brings me closer to that dream. 

It's 4:15AM as I'm preparing to head out the door to complete one of the biggest challenges of my life, the TriaAmerica Triathlon long course, which consists of a 1.24 mile swim, a 40 mile bike and a 10 mile run.   The water is above 79 degrees so wetsuits aren't allowed during the swim.  No big deal.  I don't train in a wetsuit and although they do help me float they slow me down considerably because they restrict my breathing a little.  I'm 'concerned' about the swim just like I always am but

I've trained well and I now wait with anxious anticipation for the starting gun at 7AM as I make the short dash from the beach to Lake Ponchartrain to start the swim. It don't think luck will play a factor today.  It's gonna be about heart and determination. 

I'll be chasing down some more dreams again today!   Hope you guys have a great day! 


on 5/24/08 8:58 pm - Long Island, NY

Chad, I totally get what you mean about chasing down the dream, for me it was the NYC Marathon.  Best of luck today, I hope all does well for you.  I'm heading out for a bike ride with my husband.  In the back of my mind is the thought of doing a triathlon, but it isn't as strong as a dream yet. I have a long way to go with my swimming for that to happen.

Again, I hope you have a great race.  You are a huge inspriration to me.


5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

on 5/24/08 11:20 pm - MI

As you know completing triathlons is just about as much mental as physical. The mind is very powerful, and from what I read, I think your very mentally capable. So with that I have no doubt you can complete an Ironman.

Stay safe

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