Buffalo Marathon Sunday

Cassie W.
on 5/22/08 8:16 pm
The big day is almost here and the weatherman is still promising me beautiful running weather for the Buffalo marathon.   My running partner wants to finish in 5:30, so that's what I'm shooting for.  It's her first marathon, so my goal is just to inspire her to the finish.  My husband will also be running his first marathon, so it's going to be a memorable Memorial Day weekend for all of us.  He's hoping for 4:30, so he'll already be showered and dressed when we cross the finish line. I'm praying that my intestinal track will behave this time.  For the Philadelphia Marathon, the port-a-johns were my friend and I had to stop six times along the route.    I should say my intestines better behave, because Buffalo only has the port-a-johns at the 10K and 20K mark.   I'll follow my fueling plan - odd mile markers, eat exactly 3 Sports Beans and no more; even mile markers sip 3 ounces of G2 and no more.  That's seems to be the ratio my body prefers to avoid dumping. Have a great weekend! Cassie
"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 5/22/08 11:55 pm - MI

First of all, good luck, with your upcoming Marathon. Be sure to think of all of us when the miles get tough.

On a different note. I'm curious just how many miles you put in during a week of training? I'm guessing that with the 5 1/2 hours you have a for a finish time, you plan to walk some, correct? How much do you plan to walk? The reason, I'm asking is because I want to do a half marathon this fall, and dont know how to judge if I'm ready. Heck maybe even a Marathon, if I can get my feet issues worked out.


on 5/23/08 2:57 am - Los Angeles, CA

Hi Curt, A good book to check out is Jeff Galloway's Half Marathon's book.  It is chuck full of information.  I am currently training for a half marathon this Fall also, and I am currently using the schedule to finish.  Go on Amazon.com to check it out. Kim

Without struggle, there is no progress.

Cassie W.
on 5/23/08 10:21 am

Curt, I'm expecting to run a nice easy pace Sunday, walking one minute out of every mile.  I'm a low-mileage runner, maxing out at 32 miles for the week when I do my 20 milers.  I run three days a week, 3 to 6 miles Tuesday and Thursdays, plus my long run on Saturdays.  I augment my running with walking, biking and a little yoga.  My left foot has issues (bone spur, Morton's neuroma and bouts of capsulitis), so I avoid running two days in a row.   I modified Hal Higdon's plan to fit my body's limitations. The key to being ready for your half marathon is progressively adding those miles to your long run at a nice measured pace. Thanks for the well wishes. Cassie

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 5/23/08 4:32 am - Los Angeles, CA
Cassie, Much luck to you, your husband and your running partner.  I cannot wait to read you post race results. Kim
Without struggle, there is no progress.

Rob S.
on 5/23/08 5:06 am - DE
Good luck on the marathon.  Sounds like you have it all figured out.   Looking forward to a wonderful weekend of good weather and activity.  Give us a report when you finish. Rob
Scott William
on 5/23/08 7:43 am
Boy, that is a detailed plan.  Good for you figuring that all out.  I have had "issues" in all my marathons and I know what you mean.  Best of luck you you and people.  I can't wait to hear the report.  Get em!

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Linn D.
on 5/23/08 7:58 am - Missoula, MT
Cassie, I never know how my guts will behave either.  I hope all goes well and you have a GREAT day!  I'll be thinking of you.  Linn
on 5/24/08 4:35 am - Long Island, NY
Cassie, I hope you have a beautiful day tomorrow and a great race!  It sounds like you have really worked out the nutrition aspect - that is impressive. Take care, Mary

5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog: LosingForLife.com
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

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