Sunday Workout!

Rob S.
on 5/18/08 10:36 am - DE
Well, sunday I got up early and met my running partner for what was suppose to be a short jaunt (5 miles) along the river.  After we parked and ran down about a mile down a cobblestone hill near our zoo, we were met by a drove of several hundred runners.  We had forgotten that today was one of the major maratthons that started at one of the other connecting rivers.  It was a combo marathon, relay marathon, 10-miler, and half-marathon.  Since the elite runners had already run by, we actually found ourselves passing a lot of the runners since we were striding at a faster pace and a much shorter distance.  A lot of the runners were scowling at us, since we didn't have bib numbers and they looked pretty beat.  We went over the footbridge and headed another direction from the mass of runners.  We finished up the 5-miles back at the car.  It was a marvelous day for a run. Rob
Earl C.
on 5/18/08 12:54 pm - Circleville, OH
Good job Rob. Sunday 12:30 pm Throwing practice for 45 min 8:15 pm to 9 pm @ work gym 5 min warmup Power Snatch/Overhead Squats Suspended Front Squats Suspended Olympic Good Mornings Lunges Earl
on 5/19/08 5:50 am - Los Angeles, CA

Rob, you rock!  Great job. I did a 5.5 mile run and walked about another 1.5 miles.  Boy are my thighs sore today.  Also, on Saturday, I went to Body and Soul (a series of workout led by famous fitness gurus).   Kim Lyons (the fitness trainer from The Biggest Loser) autographed my (free) book and had paid me two compliements on how hard I had worked during her workout.  That made me feel good. Kim

Without struggle, there is no progress.

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