Bike recommendations??

on 5/13/08 4:29 am - IN

I am planning on buying a bike when I reach 200 pounds lost--I am still 90 pounds away, but I am so excited that I want to start researching and picking out a good bike now.  I am looking for a beach cruiser type bike, preferably, or any other type of bike that has the larger seat and handlebars that let you sit more upright.  I would like one with at least 3 speeds but not more than 7.  I have looked at Trek Cruisers and I like those, but I would like to know about other brands that people recommend.  I don't want to spend a fortunate -- probably up to $400.  Any advice? Thanks!


(deactivated member)
on 5/13/08 11:25 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
I have a Raleigh Retroglide and it's super comfortable to ride.  I think it cost $275-300 a couple years ago.  My Mom has one as well and she loves it.  Mine has 7 gears, Mom's is a single gear.  All in all, a great cruising bike - would definitely recommend it. Enjoy peddling your a$$!!! Kellie
on 5/13/08 11:29 pm - IN
May I ask what weight you started riding at? Thanks for your suggestion!

on 5/14/08 1:26 am - Oxnard, CA
I got back on a bike at 275lbs and love it. I just bought my wife a bike. It is a 3 spd beach cruiser made by Electra for $350. They also have a another model called the Townie for about $400 which would fit what you want.  I rode one and I am about 250lbs now and it's very comfortable, has a flat foot pedal forward design. Check out their site. I am planning to buy one of their cruisers to use when I am out riding with my 3 year old daughter since my $1800 Giant is purely for the mountain. I have also talked directly with Electra and their customer service was great. Good luck on your purchase.
on 5/14/08 1:36 am - Los Angeles, CA
I just bought a Electra Townie 21 speed (great for hills).  It is so confortable.  In any case, please buy yourself a good bike helmet also.  After 20+ years, I am reteaching myself how to ride a bike.   Kim
Without struggle, there is no progress.

on 5/14/08 8:19 am - Salem, OR
I just bought a Diamondback "Comfort" bike at GI Joes for $285.  It has wider tires almost like those of a mountain bike so that you can take it on woodchip paths or gravel.  But it has the higher handlebars so that you don't lean over.  It has 7 gears and a wider, comfy seat.  It's fairly nice for the price! --Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

on 5/21/08 7:59 pm - Gainesville, FL
I started riding my bike at 250. Dont wait until 200..unless doc wants you to. I went to Target bought a Schwinn for $135. I was going to wait until I was 200 also. But I got on it two weeks ago and I am so glad I did. I feel like a kid again and I am losing again.  I bought a bigger seat....there are some out there that are up to 13 inches. Goggle "large bike saddles". Also great bikes on craig's list! Anyways I got on mine because I was so upset about the gas prices and want to start riding to work...I did and I love it!!!!!
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