i want to...

(deactivated member)
on 5/12/08 1:45 am - Decatur, AL
RUN! but i need some help. originally my goal was to be able to run 5 miles consecutively by the end of this month but obviously that isn't going to happen, lols. i am still trying though, still working very hard, but i just really honestly don't even know what to do anymore. i've been walking already. i can walk and walk and walk ~ forever it seems. actually, i could wal****il my legs fell off if i didn't get so bored with it. (thank goodness for my ipod! but even that starts to hurt my ears and/or give me a headache after a bit.) not only that but my dog wants to stop walking after about 2 1/2 miles, lols. (he's 1/2 jack russell, 1/2 chihuahua so...)

any suggestions? i'm the perfect weight for my height (5'0", 108-110-ish) and have the appropriate amount of muscle and fat on my body. i would like to gain some more muscle mass though and will be resuming my weight training at the ymca as soon as school lets out for the summer. (my daughter's school schedule kinda gets in the way, lols.) actually, i'd like to go through some sorta boot camp kinda thing. i'd like to be "tough" and to do obstacle courses and stuff and to prove myself, etc, etc () but really? i want to run. and run. and run. i wanna be forest gump. i wanna see the whole world through the soles of my feet, one step at a time.

but my knees, oh god, my knees!!! they're KILLING me!! my vitamin d was at 15 in january and we haven't done anything as of yet to raise it so it's probably ZERO by now and my joints positively ACHE! i have ordered dry d3 from vitalady and will begin therapy as soon as my shipment arrives (hopefully soon!) but in the meantime i'm going to have to take it easy. my chiropractor has forbidden me from jogging so i can't go from walking to fast walking to jogging to running (which i *thought* was the natural progression of things and is what i was *trying* to do...) so now i don't know what to do. other than walk. please help me?
on 5/12/08 4:30 am - Los Angeles, CA
It sounds to me like you current workout is too much.  Get Jeff Galoway's book on Running-Getting Started.  He uses the Run-Walk-Run method.  You still get a great workout but you don't tax your body.  Another  book to try is Running For Women written by Galloway's wife (can't remember her name).  I hope this helps. Kim
Without struggle, there is no progress.

(deactivated member)
on 5/12/08 5:03 am - Decatur, AL
thank you! i will definitely be reading BOTH of those books! (i'm such a bookworm )
on 5/12/08 5:13 am - Los Angeles, CA
No problem.  Also, did you get your shoes from a running store.  The shoes that you are currently wearing might not have enought support or made for your gait.  If you did not get your shoes at a running store, you might want to do there and have someone evaluate your gait. 
Without struggle, there is no progress.

(deactivated member)
on 5/12/08 5:29 am - Decatur, AL
no my shoes are just the $20 pair i got at wal-mart to cut the grass in, lols. i'm going to have to get my happy tail out to a sporting goods store i reckon' and get some good shoes thanks again any suggestions on good brands? btw, are RUNNING and WALKING shoes really that different? like, if i walk and run in the same outing... which shoes should i wear, the walking shoes or the running shoes? or would it really even matter at that point?
on 5/12/08 5:45 am - Los Angeles, CA

If you going to run, you really need to go to a running store (where the staff are actually runners themselves) vs. going to a "sporting goods store" (more than likely the staff are not runners).  Running shoes , IMO, has more support for the foot, and made to take more abuse (because of when your feet strike the ground you will be able to rebound easier).  Go to a running store so that a trained staff member will have to remove your shoes, look at your feet and watch you walk to determine your gait.  Be prepared to spend approx. $100 for a good pair of shoes (this is the reason I nor anyone else can suggest a name brand for you).  You have to get a shoe that is most best for your feet.  Be prepared to stay at the store for an hours trying on shoes; you might try on up to 6 different pairs.  Be prepared to go up one or two sizes as your feet expands while you are running.  Don't be concerned about trying to match your outfit.  You want you the best shoes (whatever the color is) for your feet. Good luck and I applaude your attempts.

Without struggle, there is no progress.

(deactivated member)
on 5/12/08 5:51 am - Decatur, AL
rockin', thank you so much! this is awesome information and i'm so happy i found this forum! wow, can you believe how long i've been here and it NEVER occurred to me that you guys were even here? jeez!
on 5/12/08 5:52 am - Los Angeles, CA
No problem.
Without struggle, there is no progress.

Chris G.
on 5/12/08 4:58 am
Has your chiropractor given you the "go" to run? If yes, you probably need to learn how to run. I know this sounds weird, but just changing your running mechanics can have a profound impact on how well you feel while you are running.

With your knees hurting and your Vitamin D really low I would suggest taking it easy and waiting to hear from your MD or chiropractor that you are able to run again. Walking is a great activity though and is good for your heart.

Your current work-out may be too much for you and taking it easy may be the most prudent advice. Talking to your MD and other health professionals will give you more info on when they feel you can not only run, but run free of injury.
(deactivated member)
on 5/12/08 5:10 am - Decatur, AL
yeah he said walk, walk fast or run but DO NOT jog because it requires a different gait which is probably why my knees were hurting so much. (i was actually jogging 1/2 mile then walking a mile then jogging 1/2 mile then walking another mile in an attempt to get up to RUNNING the full 3 miles. as you can see though... this didn't quite work out ) and yes, i for sure need to learn how to run, hah! it DOES sound weird but it's so true! now how on earth do i go about learning how to run? i will continue with the walking, no matter what, but i would at least like ideas on how to run once i'm finally ready. obviously i'm NOT ready right now but also, i'm not the type of person to totally sit back and wait for the go-ahead from some md with a thumb up his arse, kwim? idk... i just kinda feel like "i know my body" and if my feet start flying off the pavement then... that means that i'm supposed to RUN!
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