New to the forum

on 5/3/08 3:00 pm - Minneapolis, MN
Hello everyone!  I am new to this forum, I figured I needed some place where I could talk about all of the training I will be doing for the Des Moines Marathon in October this year.  My older sister posed the challenge to me, my mom and my younger sister this week and so I will begin training this week.  I also joined a yoga studio a few weeks ago and attend power yoga and hot yoga classes several times a week.  I have read through some of the posts and am really impressed by gives me hope that I too will be able to do this.  I want to start running with my walking and am looking for tips from anyone on how best to implement this into my workout/training.  Thanks and I look forward to getting to know everyone.~Nicole

"When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

Chris Zane
on 5/3/08 10:11 pm

Welcome!  That's awesome that you are planning to do a marathon in October.  A lot of us here started our running by doing the couch to 5k program which alternates running and walking.  Just search for it online.  There are also other run/walk programs out there.  Good luck to you.

Linn D.
on 5/4/08 12:08 am - Missoula, MT
Nicole, Congratulations on accepting the challenge!  Are you signed up?  That's the best way to ensure the commitment.  My best advice to you would be to start a couch to 5k program and then a beginner's marathon program.  There are many free ones online.  When I signed up for my marathon I was also given a free training program.  Don't kid yourself, it will require an intense time commitment and you may have to forgo some of the yoga classes to have the time. One other thing I might suggest is that even while doing the couch to 5k you use one day a week to try to push yourself to adding some miles and run minutes.  Also since you're just starting to run, find a marathon training plan that requires a certain number of miles per day rather than simply minutes run so you're not so overwhelmed when you get to the longer runs in a marathon training program. Just starting out, it's more important to work on the time spent running rather than the speed.  That will come later.  It's also important to incorporate good cardio cross training like biking or swimming a couple days a week to decrease the potential for injury.  Your yoga classes will be good for that also, just be sure you can keep your heart rate up. There will be other folks who will reply with suggestions on books to get.  They've used them and they have worked very well for them and they are another great option.  There are several on this forum who have completed marathons and others who are training for their first one.  It's a great combination of people with lots of varied experiences who can offer support and suggestions. Great to have you here!  Linn
liz A.
on 5/4/08 11:00 pm
hi nicole! 

chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!  ACK!  
                                    -liz lemon

on 5/5/08 3:51 am - Los Angeles, CA
Hi Nicole, The only suggestion that I have is to check out Jeff Galloway's Marathon book.  It is packed with useful information.  He has ran over 130 marathons, owns a running store and has running camps all over the country.   I just finished my first 10K, and will be soon start the training for the Long Beach Half Marathon. Welcome, and good luck. Kim
Without struggle, there is no progress.

on 5/5/08 11:56 am - Minneapolis, MN
Thanks I will definitely check it out!  Congrats on finishing your first 10K I can't wait until I am able to run for more than just 2 minute intervals.  Nicole

"When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

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