When did you start running?

on 4/29/08 6:28 am - Mankato, MN
I have recently started exercising regularly at the gym and I'm wondering when people moved from walking to running.  At 280 lbs and 5'7" I don't want to damage my knees by running but want to try running when it's safer, any advice?
Andrea U.
on 4/29/08 11:22 am - Wilson, NC
I recently started the couch to 5k program.. it might be a good starting point for you, as well. http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml I did week 1 for 2.5 weeks, and just started week 2 (which I also anticipate doing at least 2 weeks).  It's good because it builds up endurance in levels and encourages you to go at your own pace.
on 4/29/08 5:16 pm - OH
I started the Couch to 5k program about 3 weeks ago. I have had no problems with my knees whatsoever. When I was heavier It was an issue and the pain was terrible but as I lost weight and started working out it improved and now I train with no pain at all. I'm 5'8" and 245.
"Your BANDestiny is in your own hands!"
Status: Highest weight 378  Prebanding 299.6 Current Weight 244.2
Scott William
on 4/29/08 9:30 pm
I waited until I had a good solid base of walking in.   When I got  the walking speed so that it was uncomfortable, I started running.  That was at about 4.3 mph.  At that point it was just easier to run.  I would guess that I started running at about 3 months out after walking for about 2 1/2 months.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 4/29/08 10:50 pm - Long Island, NY
The couch to 5k program is a good way to start. I started when walking didn't feel challenging enough and I wanted to kick up the challenge.  I started working in short (maybe 30 sec) running intervals about 5 months after surgery.  Starting slowly with walking/running intervals is a good way to give your body time to adjust to the demands of running and hopefully stay injury free.  Good luck!

5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog: LosingForLife.com
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

on 4/29/08 11:00 pm - Colonial Heights, VA
I tried moving from walking to jogging at my 4th month post-op but at 294, my shins hurt, so I just kept walking. 3 months later at 266 I could jog without my shins hurting and it has taken off from there.  3 10Ks, a 5 K and 1 8K in 13 months since.  I am also registered for my first ever half marathon (13 miles) in Nov.  Just stay with the program, it works if you do.  You sound like yuo are doing a good job and are about ready to make the jump to jogging soon.  NOTE: Good running shoes are essential for avoiding feet, leg and hip/back pain.
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
on 4/30/08 5:23 am - Mankato, MN
Thanks for all the great advice. I'm going to keep walking until my pace becomes too fast to walk comfortably at.  I'd like to get another 50 lbs off before I start running.  I would hate to screw my knees up. I actually bought some running shoes to prevent injuries.  Of course I have flat feet and my feet pronate so I needed some decent shoes.  I got a pair of Brooks The Beast for $120, I almost fainted at the cost but they have made a huge difference to my comfort. The Couch to 5K program looks interesting and I think I might give it a try once I move from walking to running. So hard to believe that a year ago walking 100 yards would get me out of breath and now I'm talking about running.
on 4/30/08 10:44 am - Portsmouth, NH
Hi - I started running last August.  I had been doing walking, elyptical and swimming before that.  I did the Couch to 5K program and ran 2 5K's in November and loved it!  I'm now training for a 10K.  Couch to 5K was great because it was gradual and they gave you "permission" to repeat weeks as needed. I was also worried about one of my knees.  I talked to my surgeon about it and she wrote an order for some time with a physical therapist before I started running.  That helped me build up some muscles and learn how to run correctly, etc.  I think it helped - knock on wood - no injuries yet.  My knee does feel funky now and then but I'm good about stretching and I ice if needed. 

Check out the video on youtube that my partner made about my WLS journey!

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