5K Race Report - Personal Best

on 4/28/08 12:18 am - Baltimore, MD
REACH OUT AND RUN 5K FOR HOPEWELL CANCER SUPPORT run on yesterday morning. I've been upping my mileage lately getting ready for the Broad Street Run this Sunday (meet you there Rob?). For this run I decided to drift near the front of the pack with the fast runners to see if that would inspire me to reach my goal of a sub 25 minute 5K. A chilly misty rain greeted us and I had a hard time figuring out a good clothing option. I elected to stay warm and keep my running jacket on for the start of the race. First mile was tough. Had very heavy legs and took a bit to get loose. Lost site of the speedsters after 100 yards or so. Still, turned in a 7:50 first mile. Second mile I took off the jacket and carried it the rest of the way. Annoying, but I'm not willing to lose it. Passed on the water table and stayed more or less on pace. Finished the second mile at 16:20. Third mile plus kept at what I thought was a steady pace, but must have slowed considerably. Finished at 25:29. Still a personal best and very happy with the result overall. Looking forward to the 10 miler on Sunday.
on 4/28/08 2:12 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Good job reaching for that next level Dan!  Interesting strategy.  Let us know how the Sunday 10K turns out Sunday.
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
Scott William
on 4/28/08 2:33 am
Just doing some quick math it looks like a pretty even pace. Mile1 7:50  Mile2 8:30 Mile3 8:20 and about :49 for the last 10th.   Seems pretty consistant to me.  I always go out to fast but I read a study in Runners World where people who went out faster ran quicker times than those paced themselves too slowly. My opinion - go out fast and try to hang on. Way to go and good luck in the 10 miler.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 4/28/08 4:03 am - Salem, OR
Good golly, you are making me look really bad!  Haha!  Great job ... and a fabulous time!!!  Way to go! --Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

Rob S.
on 4/28/08 4:23 am - DE
Now that is a fast 5k...  Way out of my league.  I'm signed up for the Broad Street Run on Sunday.  Haven't figured out the logistics yet, but I'll be back in the pack.  Don't want to get trampled.  I'll have on a light blue t-shirt with my 345-pound picture that says MIA 345 pounds.  Shouldn't be too hard to find me. LOL Rob
Linn D.
on 4/28/08 8:32 am - Missoula, MT
Nice Job,  Dan! Gotta love it when it feels good.  Linn
on 4/29/08 1:18 am - Los Angeles, CA
Dan, You made great time!!!  Very nice.  I hope to be able to do that someday soon. Kim
Without struggle, there is no progress.

on 4/29/08 10:54 pm - Long Island, NY
You are amazing - what a fantastic time!  I can't wait to hear about your 10 miler.

5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog: LosingForLife.com
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

on 4/30/08 6:01 am - Baton Rouge, LA

Cool Dan.  Congrats!   You were booking it!


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