NCO Spring Ahead 5k Race Report

on 4/21/08 12:52 pm

Yesterday I finished my first 5k race. Until that point the farthest I have run without being chased is 2 miles. Even though I was an athlete in HS I despised laps or distance running of any sort. So when I decided to attempt a triathlon I realized that the running is going to be the hardest part. 

So long story short is last week I signed up for a local 5k in the hopes of completing it walking as little as possible. Even though my time does not reflect the fact I ran (i use the word ran very loosly) I did complete the entire race without walking. 

My results were far from stellar 35:20 for a pace of 11:23. 33 of 39 in my age group. 461 of 590 overalll. 

I was pretty damn excited to finish the race. In the home stretch I see my wife, 9yr old son and 2 year old daughter on the side of the course. I picked up my speed and high fived the kids. And thats when it happened.  I got that lump in the back of the throat  the eyes started to well up and I think I actually shed a couple tears as I crossed the finish line. Thank goodness the sweet masked the tears. 

I have to say at 405# in September I would not have imagined weighing 235 and running a 5k. Yes I talked a good game about wanting to do a tri but I said the same thing when I was 426# never believing it would actually happen.

So all in all it was a great time. I definately left room for improvement  therfore creating opportunity for future goals. Like finishing the Batavia triathlon on June 8. Increasing my pace and endurance. Dropping some more # to make running a little less taxing. 

So we after all was said and done we decided the kids were hungry as was momma and myself so I changed and put on my new race t shirt a xxl down from a 5x back in September. And wouldnt you know it it was too flippin big. I should have gotten the xl which would have given me room to grow shrink into. 

Thanks all for the inspiration.


on 4/21/08 1:25 pm - Salem, OR
Oh my gosh, Jon!  That is so cool!  Congratulations!!! And your time was AWESOME!!!!  It really was ... don't ever discredit yourself!  You will do great with your tri ... you can do anything you set your mind to.  I fully believe that!  I love running my races and having my husband and kids at the finish line waiting for me.  It's a great feeling!!!  Keep up the great work!!! --Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

on 4/21/08 1:33 pm - OH
I actually snuck over to the "anti tuna" Forum and read your post there and was thinking you should post your wonderful story here. Congradulations! I think it's wonderful. Your story made my eyes water. I myself am just starting to run and I can only try and imagine the feeling as you crossed the finish line! KUDOS!!!
"Your BANDestiny is in your own hands!"
Status: Highest weight 378  Prebanding 299.6 Current Weight 244.2
Rob S.
on 4/21/08 9:13 pm - DE
Great job!  First of many, I hope.  One thing to watch is that running really increases the appetite, so it actually harder to lose weight once you begin running.  It can still be done, but you need to be much more vigalent.  Good luck with your future endeavors! Rob
Scott William
on 4/22/08 3:19 am
Great stuff Jon. "In the home stretch I see my wife, 9yr old son and 2 year old daughter on the side of the course. I picked up my speed and high fived the kids. And thats when it happened.  I got that lump in the back of the throat  the eyes started to well up and I think I actually shed a couple tears as I crossed the finish line". Ive been there.  I couldn't help it after I finished my Goofy.  Just couldn't hold it in. Keep up the great work.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
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