Exercise & SSMO BMIs
Did anyone else here try to start working out at a very high BMI? What worked for you? What gave you the best results when you balance weight loss/stamina building/gentle on back and joints/some firming of flesh? All advice welcomed!
Sarah M.
Hi, Sarah! Good for you and your great exercise habit; way to go and keep up the great work! Like Elisa, I was SMO before surgery (396 pounds) and also worked out at the gym. Not as regularly as I do now, but I was there, sweating and getting my heart rate up. In terms of what you should be doing, I'd just say do what feels right and what your body is comfortable with. Even when I was SMO, I had worked up to doing 30-40 minutes of low intensity cardio, plus I did some strength training on and off. Speaking generally, a well-balanced exercise plan has three components: cardio, strength training, and flexibility work. Of the three, cardio helps most with weight loss because it burns the most calories. So you get the most "bang for your buck" in terms of the time you spend. But strength training is also good because it builds some muscle mass, and should help improve your ability to get around and overall fitness level. And flexibility work is good for a lot of different reasons, although it's always the last thing I think about doing...
Good luck finding a routine that's comfortable and that works for you! I'm almost 30 months post op, started at 396, am currently at 188, and, for me, regular exercise is key to maintaining my loss. (I actually exercise 10-12 hours per week - I've been a gym rat and love it!!!) By the way, you may want to check out the BMI Over 50 forum. There's a lot of folks there who started out with higher BMIs, so you may find some folks there *****ally understand where you're coming from. Hope to see you over there - Kellie