Gu? Sport Gel? Have you tried? LDR's - Need Your Input

Amanda K.
on 4/12/08 11:33 pm - Leesburg, VA
Hey Folks! Im preparing for a half marathon in November and I haven't used the GU's since post-op... Have any of you tried GU or any of the Gels that are LDR? I got a few of them along with some schwanky new running shoes to try... but didn't know if anyonoe had any experience with the gels that are doing longer distances. Also ... if the Gu's or Gel's don't work... what do you use as fuel on your long runs?  Since carbs and peanut butter.. well for me right now are.. something I have to be VERY careful with. Thanks and Happy Trails m'friends! Amanda

Linn D.
on 4/13/08 12:26 am - Missoula, MT
I think there are some on this board who use them, but I never have for a half marathon or shorter distance.  I just don't feel like I need it for that time period.  When I did the marathon in January, it was the first time I ever used them - and I used the first at about the 15 mile mark.  I only used one or two more (can't remember for sure) after that.  They do act very quickly - within minutes you can feel a difference if your glycogen stores are depleted - but some folks also have trouble with them as far as cramping and dumping goes.  The only thing I can say is try them when you train if you feel like you need it. Linn
Amanda K.
on 4/13/08 12:57 am - Leesburg, VA
They were part of my training regimine pre WLS back when I was running.  Ofcourse, I was new to running then and running.  Getting back into running this time will be a lot different because of the WLS and I'll be thinner so I can finish things alot sooner because I'll be going faster ....  Guess I'll try them and see, but wanted to throw it out there to see what the runners thought or experienced.... Thanks Linn!! PS _ I have my 5K goal, 10 miler local race goal and I have identified a 10K loacl race  between those two also... yay for goals and getting back into running....

~ Stylz ~
on 4/13/08 7:37 am - North of Boston, MA
I use them often and think they work well.  I've tried GU, Carb boom and Hammer.  I opted for those 3 brands after researching them because they use fruit purees (I dont dump on fruit)  most others had artificial sweeteners or even HFCS, 2 ingredients I stay away from.

post - op 261.2/current 124.2/goal 125

~~~  down 137 pounds  ~~~


"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it."

on 4/13/08 12:37 pm - OH
I'm glad you asked this question. I happened to be looking at them over the weekend.
"Your BANDestiny is in your own hands!"
Status: Highest weight 378  Prebanding 299.6 Current Weight 244.2
Scott William
on 4/13/08 9:32 pm
I used them a lot when I first started running the longer distances.  Now I just use Powerade or Gatorade.  This causes fewer stomach issues for me.  I may also bring a granola bar and eat it very slowly if I get hungry.

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4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 4/13/08 11:18 pm - Long Island, NY
I have used Gu with success.  It may be a bit of trial and error to find what works for you.  Good luck! Mary

5'6" - 302/155-158 

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Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

on 4/14/08 11:35 pm - Baton Rouge, LA

Hi Amanda.  I just posted the following on another thread regarding this topic and since I'm super lazy I'm just gonna paste it here.    :)

Ahhh...  Long distance exercising and the associated nutrition...  my daily battle.  :)

I'm experimenting with all kinds of things.   Using gel packs exclusively just don't do it for me and if you had RNY probably won't do it for you either.  I can do 1 or 2 during a 5 hour event but anything over that and I spend more time in the porta-pottys then on the course.    I've had success with Accelerade drinks because they have a 4 to 1 carb to protein ratio but even with that I have to limit intake.  

The trick and our challenge is that we have to train our bodies to ultize protein instead of carbohydrates for energy during long distance exercising.   Carbohydrates are 'quick fuel' like paper. You throw paper on a fire and it burns up fast.   Protein is like the 'log'.  It will burn but it takes a nice fire to get it burning.  Also, protein, like the log, is much more efficient fuel.   The problem is the fire, which in this example, is our metabolism.   HOW do we get the 'fire' hot enough to burn the logs.   That my friends is the problem!    I can imagine the looks I would get when I pull a baked chicken leg out of my race belt.  Heh heh.

What KINDA works for me now is peanut butter but it's just not as 'portable' as I need it to be.   I had success during the marathon by eating peanut butter on a bagel before the race.  In the second half I hit the wall because of a combination of total exhaustion and dumping from gel packs but I didn't have any gastic explosions for the entire race.  I've also dipped a platic spoon into a peanut butter jar and wrapped it with saran wrap and used that as my 'gel' pack on long runs.   I'm currently searching for a peanut butter pack tube / gel pack thingie that I can put in my bento box on my bike or in my pocket that's on my race belt.   When I was in the Army they gave us MREs that had a squeezable peanut butter packet in it.   I'm looking for something a little smaller but I'd settle for anything at this point.   The plastic spoon method just isn't going to work as the weather (and distances) in the triathlons increases.  

Good luck and if you have any success with anything post them.


Amanda K.
on 4/15/08 2:31 am - Leesburg, VA

Hey Chad... I'll have to try the peanut butter thing, it worked for me before, BUT the couple of times Ive tried peanut butter and bread ... it's been a bad thing... My system is like IXNAY on that stuff....and makes me pay.  However,  I think I have to chew it or swi**** around alot to get it thin enough to accepted by the pouchie below... maybe the sensativity of it will change later down the road. Couple ideas for you ... What about freezing peanut butter in the snack size zip locks, then it wil dethaw as you run (heat up) and you can bit of a corner and squeeze in the amount you need? Also, I thought SKIPPY made PB in a tube.. I've seen them a few months ago, just haven't looked for them as of recently...

I have actually heard stories of someone using fried chicken to train during their LDR... HA! Heck, Oscar Meyer makes those chicken strips and stuff for salads, put that in zip lock for your log...  Thanks for the ideas and I'll let you know how things work out!


on 4/16/08 12:40 pm - OH
Chad I have a suggestion. Why not put the Peanut butter in a tiny zip loc snack bag and make a tiny whole in the corner allowing you to squeeze out what you need? Just make sure you  pu**** back from the hole when you get the ammount you need or make a few small bags of single  servings.
"Your BANDestiny is in your own hands!"
Status: Highest weight 378  Prebanding 299.6 Current Weight 244.2
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