Thursday workout

on 4/10/08 10:26 am - Long Island, NY
I worked out with my trainer tonight - it was great as always.  I finally did some of those skull crushers I've heard about.  After the weights portion I did some sprints on the bike.  I am getting sore already so I can only imagine how I'll be feeling tomorrow.

5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

Linn D.
on 4/10/08 10:44 am - Missoula, MT
50 min spin class.  I was going to do one last brick tonight, but when I got out of the spin class all the treadmills were taken.  Oh well.  Not much more preparing I can do now anyway... Linn
on 4/10/08 12:29 pm - OH
I feel good and some of the soreness is working out of my legs. 1/2 mile walking on the track. Couch to 5k : 30 minutes Run/walk on the treadmill Arms, shoulders and back on the weight machines
"Your BANDestiny is in your own hands!"
Status: Highest weight 378  Prebanding 299.6 Current Weight 244.2
on 4/10/08 12:56 pm - Salem, OR
Spin class for me!

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

on 4/10/08 3:31 pm - Los Angeles, CA
I did a short run/walk this evening.  I have experiencing some asthma when I workout.  Hopefully, I will be able to pick up my inhaler tomorrow.
Without struggle, there is no progress.

on 4/10/08 10:27 pm - Baltimore, MD
2 mile run. Warming up a smidge!
on 4/11/08 12:42 am - Portsmouth, NH
I had running group on Thurs night - the one where I had a melt-down on Tuesday.  TOday was better!  The leader did have everyone introduce themselves so I learned a couple more names and folks could see I was in the group even though I'm the "caboose"!!    In an e-mail the leader said we were were doing 2.5 miles but when we got there she said it was 3 miles (which was correct according to the training plan). ended up being 3.2 miles!  I did ok - I was a bit sluggish, and there were some hills, but I did it and felt great after.  Yea! 

Check out the video on youtube that my partner made about my WLS journey!

Earl C.
on 4/11/08 12:45 am - Circleville, OH
I wasn't feeling too hot this morning so called off sick at work, but I felt a little better in the late afternoon and got in a 45 min walk outside though. Earl
Rob S.
on 4/11/08 4:27 am - DE

Late report for Thursday. Our gym had a Colon Cancer Awareness Treadmill Challenge yesterday.  The goal was to keep two treadmills moving from 5am to closing at 10pm.  I signed up for one of the first shift at 5:30am and ran for an hour (6.2 miles).  After jumping off, I  swam a couple of laps and left feeling pretty good.  Got back to the gym at 6pm for my 6:30p 30-minute shift, and lo-and-behol d the woman on the treadmill was just getting off, and there was no one to get on.  So I got and finally got releaved at 7:15pm.  It was a slow run (6 miles) but no pain, and a pretty good result for the day.  Thank goodness for my ipod.  It helped the run go quickly.  The organizer was so excited about me taking the extra shift, she went over and bought me a smoothie at the gym cafe.  (She forgot that I don't do sugar above 6g so she ended up drinking that  and bought me an ice cold water).    Looking forward to busy weekend outdoors. Rob

on 4/11/08 8:19 pm - Puyallup, WA
I arrived at the YMCA at just a little before 6:30pm.  By the time I got upstairs & settled ready to go it was 6:30pm. I decided I've got basically all night  - well till closing or till I get tired LOL ... I set my goal for 30,000 steps. And I did it! The machine only goes up to 10,000 steps at a time. I had been doing 20,000 steps + but not quite 30, 000. Took me almost 2 & 1/2 hours though but damn it I did it. I'm proud of myself for that. After that I came home & had a chicken salad. I am trying hard to lose weight & to include more protein rich choices in my diet like SLim fast & Atkins protein shakes. By the time I finished I was tired.  I do feel better but boy I can be in a bad mood at times. I wish I could get a handle on that. Maybe I need some counselling too. I'm still on oxygen 3 litres. My pcp last month told me to make an appointment with him in 2 months which means next month. I wanted to go weigh myself at the hospital close to me where I was weighed in February just to see if there's any change. My Mom said  to just wait until I go see surgeon in Seattle to just weigh myself on their scales. So I don't know. I'm kinda curious. This was my best night so far since I started going to the gym March 4th 2008.  Well good night everyone!
Pre Op Weight: 750lbs 2002
Roux En Y January 24 2003
Lowest Weight Post Op: 477lbs 2003
Last weight: 574.2lbs Feb 23 2009
Most Active