Sallies Blue Gold 5k (Wilmington, DE)

Rob S.
on 4/7/08 3:45 am - DE
Not quite as impressive as the rest of the mighty runners accomplished this weekend, but Sunday I ran the Sallie Blue Gold 5k.  The weather was miserable from start to finish, and quite treacherous.  We had 250 runners and about 50 walkers in attendance.   My running partners husband teaches at the school so she forced me to participate.  Little did I know that she got sick (first time in five years) and couldn't make the race.  So here I am in a race, with the entire Sallie's football and soccer team and some other runners.  It is also my least favorite course because it has a killer hill.  And it is cold and rainy!  Boy, I can complain. The race started on time, and decided since the first mile was downhill to head out at a generous pace.  My goal was partially dashed by the fact that it was difficult to get by all the 14 and 15 years olds who don't know how to run a straight line.  Since it was wet out there were also a lot of puddles to navigate.  The kicker is just went you have a nice pace established, you hit monkey hill.  Monkey Hill (next to a small zoo, thus the name) is a 200-yard cobblestone road that is dangerous on a good day.  On a wet day you really need to be careful.  I passed five kids who are probably still licking their wounds from the fall they took.  Anyhow, mile 1 was completed in just under nine minutes, but there was still a crowd and not much spacing to run.   The next mile was flat and curved along the river so I just brushed the raindrops aside and kept pace.  At the end of mile 2 the hill begins, and I started to feel lonely without my running partner.  I decided to take the hill without walking and not worry about the pace.  About half way through the hill a woman came up beside me and decided to pace the rest of her run off of me.  The last mile we passed a lot of the first-time runners who didn't realize the effort it took out of them to get up that hill.  We trotted across the finish line in 28:40.  Not my best by a long shot, but not a bad way to start the season.   Now for an 8-hour treadmill relay on Thursday, an addtional 5k next Sunday, and then the Broad Street (PHL) 10-miler in May.  I love the spring. Rob
on 4/7/08 7:33 am - Baton Rouge, LA

Great job Rob!   Sorry you had to deal with the bad weather man.  


on 4/7/08 1:40 pm - Los Angeles, CA
Rob, You did very well.  I hope to finish with your time someday. Kim
Without struggle, there is no progress.

Scott William
on 4/7/08 10:52 pm
Rob Like you said, great start to the season.  As I was running last weekend feeling miserable I said to myself, "this sucks".  Then I said, "this doesn't suck.  Not being able to tie my shoes sucks".  IT's all relative so congrats on getting out and doing it!!!

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 4/8/08 1:57 am - Long Island, NY
Rob, Great job under tough conditions.  Sounds like you had the rain I thought we'd have in NY.   Mary

5'6" - 302/155-158 

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Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

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