Thursday Workout

Linn D.
on 4/3/08 12:20 pm - Missoula, MT
Hi Guys! This morning was a 50 min spin class.  I LOVE those classes. This afternoon I made it 1140 meters in 27 minutes!  Maybe they won't kick me out of the pool at the tri next weekend! Linn
Kevin A.
on 4/3/08 1:45 pm - Bombay, CA
RNY on 08/21/06 with
4 MILE RUN!! A good run that made up for yesterday crappy run!!

 "You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared." ~Michael Jordan~
liz A.
on 4/3/08 9:19 pm
Hi Linn, I split my workout in 2 yesterday (I remembered Earl, I believe, saying no one said you have to do it all in one go!)  .  also partially to make up for being lazy the day before... and also  cause I spent the morning being yelled at by customers & needed to release some stress. ended up with: 15 min elliptical run/walk 4.5 miles ab crunches (I dont know how many) stretching.

chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!  ACK!  
                                    -liz lemon

on 4/3/08 10:25 pm - Baltimore, MD
20 minute stationary bike. 1 mile run.
Linn D.
on 4/3/08 11:03 pm - Missoula, MT
I don't have the time most days to spend the full amount of training time I need at the gym, so splitting mine up is something I routinely do (especially since I suck at swimming).   Good for you releasing some of that stress in such a good way! Linn
liz A.
on 4/3/08 11:11 pm
I asked the lady that works at the gym to write me a note saying I need a longer lunch hour arent you going to school? for what?

chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!  ACK!  
                                    -liz lemon

Linn D.
on 4/4/08 2:40 am - Missoula, MT
I'm an unemployed chemist/biochemist trying to get into pharmacy school.  I'm taking some 400 level biology classes and have an exam in one of them today (the hardest one, of course) but am loving every minute of it.  I'm also working part-time as a home health caregiver, so my workouts are sometimes sporadic and never as long as I'd like them to be.  Things are looking good for entry into the pharmacy program, though.  I did very well on the entrance exam and have all my prerequisite classes done with my first degree.  I was invited for an interview and will get a status letter early next week.  I'm hoping I'm one of them who is accepted in the first wave (240 applicants, 65 slots).  Otherwise, I'll just have to wait until June to find out if I'm in or on the waiting list. Thanks for asking! Linn
Rob S.
on 4/3/08 10:52 pm - DE
Yesterday was a 4-mle run in the evening.  Then I signed up for 6-week X-treme boot camp starting on Monday.  It's outdoor, rain or shine, and the object is to kick your butt up a gear, and take you to places that you don't think you can go.  They have wall climbs, runs, ropes, and all sorts of other gear.  The first class is Monday night, followed by two 5:30am classes on Tuesday and Thursday, and then a 6:30am Saturday class.   Considering I have a 30-minute drive to the gym, just the early wake up is bound to kick my butt. Rob
on 4/3/08 11:25 pm - League City, TX
I intended on a 40 mile ride, but my legs barely had 20 considering the workout they had on Wednesday. :( I felt a little defeated but I know you have to listen to your body. 9 More days to the MS150!
Dana H.
on 4/4/08 1:58 am - Elmo, MT
Hi Linn, I will be in Missoula for a conferance on April 24th through the 27th I think,  Do you have any information on where I could get my work outs at or some classes I could try in the evenings? Thanks
Back on Track Dana
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal    
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