pre-operation exercises

(deactivated member)
on 4/2/08 10:00 pm - east falmouth, MA
Hi everybody.  I figured a fast forward to those who know might be good.  I would love to hear what you think about strenghtening the middle muscles before the surgery. I am sort of anxious to get started.  My bmi is 45 you think I could do more harm than good...( I know I have to leave my knees and hips alone...)  In spite of my obesity I walk 2 and a half miles a day..( own 5 Border collies and they insist) My tummy is hanging and back really hurts though.   I am hoping and praying for my rny to be done in may or june...Any suggestions and advise will be devoured like candy ( I am off that ...) thanks...
on 4/2/08 10:27 pm - Long Island, NY
I think that walking is the best thing you can do!  It is great that you are getting exercise prior to your surgery, I believe it makes a big difference in the recovery process.  I don't think you'd do more harm than do to do ab exercises, however I honestly don't think I'd worry too much about it at this point.  If you do, just take it easy. Mary

5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

Earl C.
on 4/3/08 12:17 am - Circleville, OH
I agree with Mary. My mindset before surgery was I wanted to be in the best possible condition health and strength wise I could be in. Just to survive the surgery number one, but also to speed recovery from surgery. Losing some weight makes the surgeon's job easier also and I was all about making things as easy as possible for the staff. You'll definately be limited on what you can do pre surgery but start off slow and progress slowly. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon. Good luck Earl
Chris Zane
on 4/3/08 7:42 am

Before my surgery (June 2007), I also wanted to get in the best shape possible.  I trained to walk a 1/2 marathon and did so over Memorial Day weekend a couple of months before the surgery.  I trained from about March until the 1/2 marathon - just walking almost every day and then a longer walk once a week - 3 miles one week, 4 the next and so on up to about 12 before the day.

I ended up losing 15 pounds and went in to the surgery in probably the best shape I had been in in a long time.  I think it also helped with my recovery.

I wouldn't do anything that is causing you pain, but definitely go ahead and exercise.  My bmi was about 47.


(deactivated member)
on 4/3/08 8:13 am - east falmouth, MA
Thanks everybody!   I think this next week I will work on 2 walks a day with my dogs...always 2 1/2 miles but I will work up.  I really need something to do to keep positive and keep my "let's get this party started" attitude going.   I really hope the recovery is similar to other surgeries I have had..( Basically except for the fat my constitution and pain tolerance issues are pretty easy going...)  I ahve a busy summer ahead of me and need to be able to move... I guess excercise is the answer either way...  Thanks and good stuff to all!
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