sacrifice anything?

liz A.
on 4/2/08 4:54 am
since trying to work out more, I've been noticing sometimes I am presented with a choice which may get in the way of me being able to work out. i.e.  going to dinner or something with a friend after work. so I was curious if....and if so may have given up in order to commit to your exercise regime (sp) or if you have found a creative way to be able to endulge (again sp) in both. 

chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!  ACK!  
                                    -liz lemon

(deactivated member)
on 4/2/08 5:16 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Boy, I'm glad to see someone else struggling with this.  I've been doing 2-a-days since mid-January, so I'm going to the gym at lunch and after work, usually 4 days a week.  One day during the week, I'll just go to the gym one time; I use the other time slot that day to have lunch with a friend or run errands, or to meet friends for dinner after work.  At first, I felt like I was giving up a lot of my time to the gym.  But I realized that trading off gym time for time to go out to lunch or dinner was probably a good trade for me, as I tend to eat more crap when I go out than I do when I go to the gym.   Anyway, on the one day a week when I don't go to the gym twice, it feels like a real treat; much more so than it did when I was going out to lunch 2-3 times a week, and out to dinner 1-2 times per week.  I enjoy my special occasions more, and I'm doing a much better job keeping my food habits under control.   Good luck finding a routine that works for you - I'm not sure how long I'll be able to sustain this schedule, especially as the warmer weather rolls in and I want to be OUTSIDE!!!!   Kellie
liz A.
on 4/2/08 10:53 pm

I've been trying to go on my lunch hour too, but I feel terribly rushed & dont like it as much.  but on the plus side, it really helps with the stress from the morning at work!   I'm heading there today on lunch actually.....

chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!  ACK!  
                                    -liz lemon

Rob S.
on 4/2/08 5:30 am - DE
Since most of my friends now are also workout fiends, there is rarely ever a problem.  We workout and then have dinner.  My family is gracious enough to work around my schedule.  Even when we vacationed in Europe, I was able to do running and cycling in the morning and sightseeing with the family in afternoon and evening. On our next family vacation in June we are going to have about 30 people in one bed and breakfast, so my plan i**** the running trail in the morning before everyone gets up.  Cycle after breakfast, and swim in the late afternoon. Given a choice I almost always err on the side of a good workout, although there are some weekend mornings where sleeping in seems really attractive.  Pre-scheduling my runs with my running partner causes me to get up and going. Rob
on 4/2/08 7:56 am - Hammond, LA
I just show up late and sweaty.  Nothing tastes as good as a meal following a great work-out. . .
Age: 30, Height: 5'9", Weight: 437/185/170, Sur: RNY Nov05

Linn D.
on 4/2/08 11:02 am - Missoula, MT
I'm generally a morning workout person, so when I had to start working again and going to school after being unemployed I ended up missing my morning workouts.  I now have to go either later in the mornings or early in the afternoon.  Neither time is good for me, but I make do.  I haven't been able to get the time to do the workouts that I'd like to, either.  It's tough, but I take the time that I'm able to take. Not much help, I know, but I'm dealing with similar issues. Linn
Kevin A.
on 4/2/08 11:55 am - Bombay, CA
RNY on 08/21/06 with
What I had to do is put exercise first in my life!! I would plan my week around it!! If something came up I wanted to do. I would get up early or just do it the next day! I learned that I have to be flexible. I heard some people say I don't workout on weekend??? That when I get my best workout!! Just remember this is not a quick fix. This is a lifestyle change!!

 "You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared." ~Michael Jordan~
liz A.
on 4/2/08 10:03 pm
my friends are not terribly active.  our getting together usually includes watching tv, movies, dinner, or maybe shopping. I try to get them to go walking or hiking or something with me, but they wont.  when I walk my dog at the park I see people rollerblading or riding bikes or running together & I think I want more friends that will do that with me.   I'm working on getting some more active friends.  I used to live in NC & my friends down there are way more active than my friends here.  prob yet another reason to move back  which reminds me....tonight is survivor night.  I think I'm going to tell them I'm going to tivo it & work out instead....

chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!  ACK!  
                                    -liz lemon

Kevin A.
on 4/4/08 12:58 am - Bombay, CA
RNY on 08/21/06 with
I really have only one friend that is active. But I found that I can't depend on other people to work out with me. There nothing worse than being ready to go run and someone flakes out!! It makes me want to do the same.. But maybe you should try finding a running club or you can help raise money for a good cause and get to train with other people for races??

 "You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared." ~Michael Jordan~
Scott William
on 4/2/08 2:30 pm
I'm with Kevin.  I put it up near the top.  Obviously, my son is #1 and the job is up there but without the running and keeping the weight off there really is nothing.  My buddy was busting my balls tonight about my running "another" race this weekend and how I come up with the money.  It's easy when it's on the top of my priority list.  My girlfriend is alreald looking at places we can go for me to run.  Her excuse to travel.  Works for me. My biggest issue is all the double shifts I work.  I will go in at 3:45pm and not get out until 8:00am.  This leaves 6 hours to sleep at best.  I will usually get up at 4 or 5 hours to get in a run.  I feel it does more for me than the extra hour or two of sleep.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
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