I'm finally starting to work out again...but I need some ideas

on 3/16/08 5:51 am - AR

Hello to all...I hope everyone is having a great weekend : ) I'm so syked because I got the OK from my doctor to start exercising again! Up until now all I've been doing is walking 30 to 45 minutes a day. So, I'm SO ready for something new...even if it's just getting back on the eliptical...I'm ready! I joined a local gym with the hopes that I could lessen some of the impact of the loose skin that I know will be inevitable and to get fit...not just skinny. I have no idea where to start and I have a few areas that I really want to work on...but I don't know what exercises help with what. I want to work out the front and back part of my arms, my thighs, butt, waist and chest. I'm not looking for miracles....I just figured it would make me feel a little bit better. I won't be having plastic surgery anytime soon....I'm starting back to college in the fall....and money will be extremely tight for the next few years.  Thanks for any ideas.....I would truly appreciate it! Hugs, Mia

on 3/16/08 10:08 am - Long Island, NY
Mia, The bad news first, working out won't really help with loose skin. You can build up some muscle which may help some of the appearance of the loose skin. As far as what you so, pick some activities that you like, then it won't be a chore to do it. A combination of aerobic and weight training would be great and will certainly get you fit. Mary

5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog: LosingForLife.com
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

on 3/16/08 1:06 pm - AR
Thanks Mary! Hugs, Mia
on 3/16/08 11:14 pm - Solon, OH
Hi Mia, I am just over 2 yrs out and tried everything, walking is my main excersise, but i also joined curves a few months ago and love it., i go 3 days a week then walk on my off days, i also do yoga which is a wonderful thing for the mind. Anyway, good luck in whatever u decide, but keep up with the walking, it's a must!! hugs back

OH Support Group Leader
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We are on a continuous journey without a destination

on 3/18/08 3:55 am - Jackson, MS
Does your gym have exercise-physiologist type staff members that can work with you?  When I started exercising at my gym I was able to ask the staff to help me decide what to do - they showed me which resistance machines to use for my particular problem areas and how to use them.  You need to do both cardio and resistance exercises - they can help you figure out how often, what weights to use, etc. Good luck.  Marcia
on 3/18/08 8:01 am - AR
Thanks : ) I don't know if they do or not...but I'm sure going to be checking to see! Thanks, Hugs, Mia
on 3/20/08 2:49 am
Some things to know: First off you can't 'target' any areas for specific fat loss, but you can for building muscle. Second weights are your best friend, above and beyond diamonds.  All of the fitness models, bikini models, and cheerleaders you see plastered all over the place didn't spend 90 years on cardio equipment, they weight trained in the same fashion the guys do.  The pictures of grotesque women you see have taken HGR (human growth hormone) and took chemicals to reduce estrogen production.  It is not possible to look like them naturally.  The natural look is closer to that of a baywatch girl. Third you should invest in a trainer at a reputable facility.  Make sure they assist you with nutrition and put high focus on the form of the exercise.  Most of those trainers can't help you in the upper tiers, but they are excellent for just starting out. Lastly don't overtrain!  Just starting out you only need say 3 days a week in the gym for 30-45 minutes tops!  If you go in full bore you will end up burning out because it will burn you out mentally and physically. Good luck!
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