How many calories do you consume?

on 3/12/08 8:52 am - Salem, OR
I'm just really curious if all you exercisers calculate how many calories you eat in a day?   I'm having tremendous trouble eating enough to compensate for my calories burned.  I know that sounds like a real awful problem to have, right?  But I seriously don't know what to do and what else to eat in a day!   I bought myself a really nice heart rate monitor watch and I've been wearing it to determine how many calories I burn in a day. I had a fitness trainer set it up for me so it's based on my personal information and testing.   If I don't calculate in how much I burn with exercise, I burn roughly 2700 calories a day just doing normal everyday stuff.  So when I add in my running, weight lifting class, spin class, etc., I end up burning a heck of a lot more.  On one particular day that I went to Spin class, I burned a total of 3300 calories.  My dietician told me not to go below 500 calories deficit when you're trying to lose weight so that would mean on that particular Spin day, I should have consumed 2800 calories.  Well, as it is, I usually only get in around 1800 calories a day and that's pushing it for me.  If I plan out 2000 calories, I can never get it all in.   So, where else do I put calories in?  I can't eat a lot in one sitting so I break them up into 6-8 small mini-meals.  I'm afraid my under-eating is causing my weight plateau and couple pound weight gain.  But I don't know what else to eat or drink ... if I feel over-full, I feel like I can't exercise because I feel bloated and just plain full! What the heck do you all eat???  How do you eat enough to compensate for your activity? Thanks for your help! --Deanna

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

Linn D.
on 3/12/08 9:32 am - Missoula, MT
I'm sorry I won't be any help, I just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you. I don't calculate in any way the calories I eat.  I assume I'm around 1800 on most days, and I do eat some junk as well. Anyway, I hope you can get some insight.  I don't even know what my BMR might be. Linn
on 3/12/08 2:22 pm - New Haven, CT
All depends on my activity of the day - but anywhere between 1700 and 2500 calories. I have a hard time getting in alot of calories as well - but I do protein shakes while working out and right after to get the benefit of the workouts when I workout with my personal trainer. I have the same problem as you - being so active its hard to keep up with the calorie intake. Good Luck!

band date: August 1, 2007
Band Removal Date:  Sept 30, 2008
Highest Weight: 355 lbs
Day of Surgery: 231 lbs
Current Weight: 185 lbs





Rob S.
on 3/12/08 9:42 pm - DE
Hey Deanna, At four and a half years out, I consume about 2800-3200 calories per day, otherwise I will lose additional weight which does not make me happy.  I get a lot of my protein and calories from two fruit smoothies I make each day, plus my oatmud breakfast.  You can pack a lot of calories and protein into a smoothie if you make your own.  I still do six meals a day.   I do a small dinner prior to hitting the gym, and then have a recovery snack after the session (usually yogurt or pudding with protein powder)).  I still avoid most white food, anything with sugar above 6 grams per serving, and anything with corn syrup.  Fish, seafood and filets are where I get my protein.  I also try and get in a portion of vegatables and starch at each meal (sweet or regular potato, whole wheat noodle, etc).   Because of my routine, I do not keep a daily track of calories but do have a general sense of when I need to increase or decrease consumption.  Every day though is a challenge.  I do feel that running in particular, not so much with cycling, has increased my desire to eat.  Good luck, and keep up the fight. Rob
Sporty Jill
on 3/12/08 10:38 pm - Norfolk, VA
Deanna- I'm like you - burn alot of calories during the day and have ahd to really go back and restructure my eating without really increasing the amount of food I ate.   I get in alot of protein each day between food and protein supplements, so instead of having 3 1/2 ounces of chicken breast and 1/4 cup of veggies, I now have 2 1/2 ounces of chicken breast, 2 tablespoons of sweet potatoe and 1/4 cup of veggies. I changed yogurt from a high protein yogurt to a regular low fat yogurt with a bit more carbs and less protein, I add 2 tablespoons of grape nuts trail mix cereal to it. Instead of egg beaters and turkey sausge 3 times a week, I have oatmeal w/ cranraisins or fresh blueberries 3 times a week. Instead of a cheesestick for a snack, I have 1/2 apple w/ 1 tablespoon of peanut butter. Instead of a turkey burger and a salad for dinner, I have about 3/4 of that turkey burger w/about 3 ounces of sweet potatoe fries (made in the oven) and a smaller salad or other fresh veggies. I've added more fruits to my day as snacks. I've added a 1/3 piece of performance WHILE I'm running.  I literally eat it while running, and I eat it after I hit 3.5 miles, to help get me to 5.5 without issues.  The total bar has 44 carbs, so in that piece, I'm getting about 14 carbs. While in dance class, if I have 2 classes that day, I eat 1/2 of an Oh Yeah protein bar or a Kashi bar in between classes.  I'm not hungry, but know that I have just burned alot of calories and need to take some in.  If only 1 class, I will eat something on the way home. I also started drinking 1 propell or crystal lite hydrate a day - even if I don't work out that day. I am now averaging: 1650 calories, 140 grams of cabs and 140 - 160 grams of protein.  It's working out to 25%fat, 35% carbs, 40% protein.   I must weight is dropping back down (recall I recently gained 3 pounds of muscle, 1 pound of fat and 4 pounds of water.  I now have 3 pounds of muscle, 1 pound of fat, and maybe 1 pound of water - ok...that's my logic based on what I've lost haha), my muscles aren't as sore for as long, and I noticed more energy for my longer run or extra dance classes. I'm finding it's really all trial and error and for me...take it one day at ta time......

     Certified Personal Trainer
"I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. if that makes me a bitch, okay." - Madonna
Beginning Weight: 265  Current Weight:143 
So I run like a keep up! 

liz A.
on 3/15/08 1:22 am
I eat too freaking many apparently. I have been exercising for about 5 weeks, no weight loss.  down a couple inches.  (yay) mainly by my waist & belly button. but...I feel like for all the hard work I've been doing, it should be more (theres that should word again...awful word) so I've concluded I eat too much.  and that I also need to get more strength training in. I know that isnt really helpful...just saying what I'm dealing with I guess.  sorry not more helpful!!

chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!  ACK!  
                                    -liz lemon

on 3/16/08 1:44 am - Baton Rouge, LA

I wouldn't be surprised if I am consuming 3500 calories a day.   My BMR is somewhere around 3200 last time I checked and with my daily exercise whi*****ludes an hour of swimming, 6-8 miles of running and/or 20 miles of cycling plus an hour of lifting weights I'm way in the negative column as far as my daily calorid deficiency goes.   

I don't look at calories anymore and for the most part I don't even worry about carbs.   I do try to stay as low-fat as possible not because I'm avoiding fat but rather because fat makes me dump sometimes.  I do make sure I get at least 200g of protein as well as all my vitamins. I'll also monitor my weight every day or so and my body fat % once a week to make sure I am on track.


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