My first half-marathon! (Ceasar Rodney)

Rob S.
on 3/9/08 5:21 am, edited 3/9/08 5:27 am - DE

I finally completed my first half-marathon today.  Nobody puked (that I saw).  But there were a lot of men with weak bladders running off under the railroad bridges.  The weather was bad.  It was cold (low 30s) and windy (up to 25mph).  But I finished.  And I learned a couple of thing today!  Never start a race if your knee is feeling sore, because it won’t get any better.

The first six miles of the race were great.  I was feeling good, had a good pace and crossed the six mile marker at 55’50”.  Then my knee started to stiffen, and the hills were upon us.  I slowed down considerably over the next three miles but kept moving.  I dropped my bottle, and my running partner was about 50 yards ahead of me, before she realized that I was missing.  I figured rather than trying to catch up I would let her run her race.  Susan is much faster than me, but she is a great motivator, trainer, and pacer.  I walked through the water stop at mile 9, and my hamstrings started to tighten.  I thought this is great, a swollen knee and cramping hamstrings.  Started running up the hill again and finally got to the top of the hills and proceeded to the turnaround.  Grabbed a drink from one of the helpers at the turnaround, but realized just before gulping it down that it was beer, no****er.   So I tossed that, and grabbed water.  I jogged on to mile 10 (1’48”) when all systems began to hurt.  I walked about 200 yards until I felt I could start up again and started running again.  Mile 10-12 were a slow gradual downhill, which was actually more painful than the uphill.  Just before the 13 mile mark, I started up the famous Market Street hill to the finish.  It was so difficult just to put one foot in front of the other.  And to make things worse, because of the weather, no one was on the street rooting you on to the finish.  When I saw the finish line, I was so happy.  I trudged over the finish line in 2 hours 32 minutes.  So at least I have one in bank.  Whoopee!  Thanks to everyone on this board for giving me inspiration and sharing your stories.   I plan on doing at least two more this year, but want to find some less challenging terrain. I have an appointment with my physical therapist next week.  I can’t wait, because my legs are so sore and tired right now.


Next Sunday, I’m running a 5k, the Kelly Logan House 5k.  This was my first race.  It is my third time running it now.  The first time was 36 minutes.  This time I anticipate I should crack the 27 minute mark.   This should actually be an easy race after doing the half and all training it requires, as long my knee holds up.


Not bad for 54 year old guy who never ran in his life. Rob


(deactivated member)
on 3/9/08 8:38 am - Albany, OR
That's awesome! Congrats! I'm doing my first 5K June 7.  I know it's not much, but you gotta start somewhere, right? I'm scared because I think I'll be that one person way in the back that everyone feels sorry for. Why in the world would someone be handing out beer?! Crazy.
Scott William
on 3/10/08 12:45 am
First of all, you may be in the back but nobody will feel sorry for you. Kidding.  Anyway,  "not much, but gotta start somewhere".  Don't sell yourself short.  It is a great start and the finish will be even better.  Congrats on having the courage to start!!!

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 3/9/08 1:33 pm - Salem, OR
Rob, that is so exciting!  Congratulations!!!  And you had a great time! I'm dreading my first 1/2 marathon in June ... it is a hilly course and I don't necessarily love running uphill so much! I'm so proud of you ... I knew you could do it! Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

on 3/9/08 10:43 pm - Baltimore, MD
Well done Rob! These cold days are hell on running. I'm impressed you finished at all. My lungs take a beating when I'm out for more than half an hour. When it gets into the low 40's I'm fine. Anything below that though it's a quicker finish! Congrats on achieving yet another milestone. -Dan
Scott William
on 3/10/08 12:41 am

Way to go Rob.  That is awesome that you finished.  The best part is that you had to earn it.  Nobody handed it to you.  Congrats. I suspect that your physical therapist will give you exercises that will stretch and strengthen those muscles and you will be fine. Way to go.


Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 3/10/08 6:15 am - Baton Rouge, LA
Great job Rob.   That's a great accomplishment man!   Congrats!
on 3/10/08 9:00 am - Long Island, NY
Congratulations!! Isn't it a thrill to have run your first 1/2 marathon. I hope the PT helps you. I know it made a huge difference for me when I hurt my hip last summer.

5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

Rob S.
on 3/10/08 11:20 pm - DE
Thanks, Mary.  I look forward to seeing the PT next week.  I have a 5k on Sunday before I see him.  I spent most of yesterday in a whirlpool getting my feet massaged.  I think today I back to normal (at least I hope). Rob
Kevin A.
on 3/12/08 4:09 am - Bombay, CA
RNY on 08/21/06 with
I don't know how guys run in the cold!! Great job finishing your first 1/2 marathon!! Good luck on Sunday!!
 "You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared." ~Michael Jordan~
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