10K race report ...

on 3/8/08 5:43 am - Salem, OR
Oh my, did I have quite the experience at my 10K race today!  Yesterday was one of those days where my stomach did NOT want me to eat anything so I was running on very low fuel.  Not good!  I could tell I was seriously lagging today but I put every ounce of effort I had into my race. It started off pretty cold and it was so wet on the ground from a huge downpour last night.  Luckily I didn't get rained on during the race so all was good!  However, about 2 miles into the race I noticed people were dropping out and walking back.  I still don't know what the problem was but it freaked me out a bit.  I got all the way to the 4 mile mark and then HAD to stop because an SUV had come onto the path and was loading a VERY sick girl into the car.  She was puking her guts out and I swear I have never seen anyone throw up that huge of a volume before!  Anyway, those of us that were lucky enough to witness all this had to stop and wait for the car to load her up and haul her off.  So that added about 3 minutes onto my finish time.  Ugh!   Anyway, I managed to have 3 wardrobe malfunctions along the way, twisted my ankle on a tree root, and then witnessed the puking girl.  I think my finish time of 1:10 wasn't too shabby for that!  I was hoping for a personal best but that wasn't gonna happen after waiting for vomit girl along the way.   So I finish the race and look back and there are 2 ambulances and a police officer and a park ranger behind me ... apparently people were having major issues so I guess I should just feel blessed that I made it through the course in one piece and without throwing up!  Haha!  I don't know what the problem was with that course but everyone else seemed to have physical problems with it.  Guess I'm lucky to be alive! Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

Rob S.
on 3/8/08 6:43 am - DE
Great job, Deanna.  That is one tough wy to run a race.  Hope the next one is less eventful. Rob
liz A.
on 3/8/08 7:16 am
dang girl! but I had to laugh a little when you said wardrobe malfunctions....I just kept thinking of janet jackson & you running like that....sorry, sorry.  glad you made it through!!!!   and that you didnt puke seeing the puke!  that would have done me in. you done did good

chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!  ACK!  
                                    -liz lemon

on 3/8/08 7:22 am - Salem, OR
Oh yes, I did have problems with my sports bra, which unhooked once (thank goodness no more than that!).  But I am WAY overly endowed so any malfunctions in that department could be quite dangerous!  Haha!  My other malfunctions consisted of me tearing my bib off with my thumbs while I was running and then also my mp3 player came unplugged twice, and that caused my bra malfunction because I always wrap the chord around my bra strap to help hold it in place since I hate the feeling of it pulling around my neck.   Anyway, it made for one interesting race, that is for sure! Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

liz A.
on 3/8/08 10:29 pm
I didnt realize there are sports bras that have clasps.  sometimes I can barely get out of mine I had been sweating so much.  tmi...I know...I know....sorry.

chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!  ACK!  
                                    -liz lemon

on 3/8/08 12:00 pm - Baton Rouge, LA
Congrats Deanna!  That's great.  Sounds like it's time for you to move up to a half-marathon or more!  :)
Sporty Jill
on 3/8/08 11:08 pm, edited 3/8/08 11:09 pm - Norfolk, VA
OMG!  You survived ALL of that??? YES!  You ARE a tough chick! You did a GREAT job, should be proud that you finished WITHOUT an ambulance and can report to us your trials. ROCK ON!!! See ya on the road!

     Certified Personal Trainer
"I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. if that makes me a bitch, okay." - Madonna
Beginning Weight: 265  Current Weight:143 
So I run like a Girl....now keep up! 

on 3/9/08 10:48 pm - Baltimore, MD
Jeez Deena. You make it sound like people were dropping like flies. I guess they weren't close to prepared like you were. Hopefully they'll know what to do for next time. -Dan
Scott William
on 3/10/08 12:49 am
Geez.  What are they putting in the water out there.  Way to go on the finish.  It sounds like this was one of those, just finishing is good enough races.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Scott William
on 3/10/08 12:51 am
BTW, we need pictures of the wardrobe malfunction!  - Now!
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