Any Last Words??

Kevin A.
on 2/28/08 11:55 pm - Bombay, CA
RNY on 08/21/06 with
Man this was a long week!! But its almost over!! 8 more hours of work!!
This will most likly be my last day on-line until after the marathon!!! I know we have some marathon vets out there so any last words of wisdom before I'm sent out to battle 26.2 miles??? Or you can just stop in and wish me good luck!!

See you on the other side of 26.2 miles!!
 "You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared." ~Michael Jordan~
Scott William
on 2/29/08 12:07 am
"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done"! Rocky (2006) But the most important part is: "It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward". Keep that in mind when the race starts to beat you down.  Keep movin forward!!!

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Kevin A.
on 2/29/08 12:31 am - Bombay, CA
RNY on 08/21/06 with
Thanks Scott!!

That reminds me!! I'm going to have to watch 300 again tonight!!

Thanks for your support!!!
 "You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared." ~Michael Jordan~
on 2/29/08 12:13 am - Long Island, NY
Kevin, Best of luck - you trained hard for this and you know you can do it!  Think of the long runs you conquered.  Also, remember where you came from and how absolutely fabulous it is that you can run a marathon! Mary PS - I carried my before picture with me for inspiration!

5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

Kevin A.
on 2/29/08 12:56 am - Bombay, CA
RNY on 08/21/06 with
Thanks Mary!! I was thinking I'm going to wear my old 4x sweat shirt to stay warm at the start then I can toss it aside once I don't need it!!! Just think a year ago I was walking the L.A. marathon 5k this year I'm in the marathon!!! WOW!! What a year!!

 "You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared." ~Michael Jordan~
liz A.
on 2/29/08 12:36 am

*chants*  2 more days!  2 more days!

I think you should secure a camera to your head so we can "come with you"

Kevin A.
on 2/29/08 1:01 am - Bombay, CA
RNY on 08/21/06 with
Maybe I should camp out at the start line!! GO!! GO!! GO!!

I wish I could take everyone with me!! But if you want send me your cell or e-mail!! I will put you down so you can get a text or e-mail of my spit times!! That's open to anyone interested!! You might get a text at midnight when I finish the race!!
 "You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared." ~Michael Jordan~
liz A.
on 2/29/08 1:12 am

that.  is.  nasty. 

but I like getting texts so sure.  hit me up. 

on 2/29/08 2:52 am - Baton Rouge, LA

Being a newly de-virginized marathoner I am still high from last weekend but if I can offer any advice it's to start out slow.  I started out fast and smoked the half in 2:14 but doing so really busted my ass from 13.1 - 26.2. 

Above everything else...  ENJOY that last mile.   Savor it!   You only get one first marathon and you only get to cross over that mat one time for your first too!    I can promise you the feelings and emotions that you experience in that last mile and when you cross that finish line are gonna be intense and unforgettable.  No drug on the planet can give you the high that you will feel when you finish.  I'm sure others that have experienced it will back me up on that. 

You're gonna do great Kevin and I can't wait to welcome you to the elite .05% marathon club AND to read your race report.


Rob S.
on 2/29/08 4:32 am - DE
Not a marathon vet yet, Kevin, but just wanted to wish you the best.   Don't feel like you have to carry us all on your shoulders.  That would be quite a load.  I think it was Jeff Galloway who said "Starting the race is harder than finishing."  Have fun with it.  Don't worry about your time.  I'll be watching your results as I get ready for my first half-marathon next weekend.  Rob
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