Saturday exercise ...
"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen
Weight lost: 140 pounds
Deanna, it is amazing how our whole outlook can change just by getting out there and running. Some of my best runs have been on days when I had to force myself out the door. Being Saturday, I worked with our group of new runners. We started out with 20 minutes of calistenics, followed by 30 minutes of alternating running and walking. I'm enjoying being the cheerleader and coach to help them train for the July 15K. It was the first outdoor run for the group. Although it was only 21 degrees, most enjoyed the change of scenery. After the class, I headed over to our local Heart Run and Walk and ran about 6 miles. It was an indoor run/walk, so it felt funny running through the halls of the high school. I kept expecting someone to tell me "no running in the halls." Cassie

Next Sunday L.A. Marathon!!!

Have a great weekend!!

The marathon starts at 8:15 but I may not be starting until after 8:30-8:45. I've been told the first 2 miles is very tight area for over 20,000 people and up hill so I'll just wait and start off walking until alot of the people clear out.. Well that the plan well see how it works out!!