Frustrated with weight gain ...

on 2/11/08 7:33 am - Salem, OR
I am so annoyed with myself right now!    I've put on 5-7 pounds lately and I don't know why.  My exercise schedule is as follows: Monday:  60 minute weight lifting class, 3-4 mile run Tuesday:  45 minutes elliptical Wednesday:  60 minute weight lifting class, 3-4 mile run Thursday:  60 minute Spin class Friday:  3-4 mile run Saturday:  long run outdoors, building each week Sunday:  rest I'm working towards a 1/2 marathon in June so my fitness coach set up that exercise program for me.  And since I've been doing this, I've put on those pesky pounds.  I eat around 1600-2000 calories per day depending on how hungry I feel.  If I eat towards the higher end of this range, that is when the scale shows me higher.  Anyway, what the heck is up with this?  Has anyone else experienced this? How do I get those pounds back off???  I know that weight can fluctuate and it shouldn't be a defining characteristic of myself.  My dilema is that I belong to a weight loss support group (TOPS) and I'm about to break out of my leeway weight and I don't want to do that!  I know this sounds silly ... but what am I doing wrong? Sorry this is so long! Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

Earl C.
on 2/11/08 8:05 am - Circleville, OH

Hi Deanna,

You might be at the stage where you want to get a good Bodyfat Percent testing done, like a Bod Pod test. You can't always go by the scale, especially when you get to the level you’re at.



If you put it on quickly, it almost has to be some sort of water weight fluctuation.


on 2/11/08 8:07 am - Salem, OR

Hi Earl! The last time I had my body fat tested it was 20%.  That was about 6 months ago.  I will have it tested again in May at my 2 year post-op checkup.  Wish I could do it now!  Ha, ha!


"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

Rob S.
on 2/11/08 9:30 am - DE
Hey Deanna, Not sure what is going on.  I'm doing about the same fitness schedule, and do find that my weight varies 3-5 pounds on certain days.  It tends to be at it lowest on Sunday and builds a little every day.  I think a lot of it is water weight.  My 1/2 marathon is coming up in March (shiver!) and I average 2200-3000 calories per day.  I do find that the more simple carbs I eat the higher the weight, but when I stick to complex carbs I do much better.   I wouldn't worry too much unless it drags on over a month.  Then you'll need to take action (maybe increase your protein). Keep working hard and everything should fall into place. Rob
on 2/11/08 9:51 pm - Long Island, NY
Deanna, I experience the exact same thing and I haven't found the answer yet.  Once I get back into a regular routine I am going to see what happens.  I would like to lose back down to the low 150s - right now I fluctuate around 160.  I'm thinking about seeing a sports nutritionist to see if I can get any insights.  I know this doesn't help, but at least you know you aren't alone. Mary

5'6" - 302/155-158 

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Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

on 2/12/08 12:04 am - Salem, OR
Thank you, Mary!  I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one experiencing this!  I'm just at a loss as to what to do ... let me know if you find anything out! Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

Sporty Jill
on 2/12/08 2:37 am - Norfolk, VA

I'm curious to see the resonses, becuase I am experiencing the same thing.  I eat about 1450 - 1550 calories - 115 - 130 protein/100 - 115 carbs.

Sunday - Run 4.25 miles, boxing/abs/upper body work

Monday - off or run 3 miles

Tuesday - Run 3 miles or off (depends on the day before)

Wed - Walk 30 minutes, Dance class

Thurs - Walk 30 minutes (if I did not the day before), Dance class Friday - Run 3 miles Saturday - 2 dance classes I rest 1 day a week and have npticed a gain of about 6 pounds over the past 3 weeks.

     Certified Personal Trainer
"I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. if that makes me a bitch, okay." - Madonna
Beginning Weight: 265  Current Weight:143 
So I run like a keep up! 

on 2/12/08 2:44 am - Salem, OR
Hi Jill! I'm so glad you wrote this!  It makes me feel so much better!  We're two peas in a pod!  Ha, ha! I spoke to my fitness coach and he really thinks I'm not eating enough.  We calculated my caloric needs based on my weight and activity level and he said I should eat between 2000-2400 calories to lose weight.  This sounds like a lot to me!  I'm so scared of eating that much because what if the weight just starts pouring back on?  He also said to increase my water intake and see what happens. It's so scary!  I don't want to gain the weight back!   Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

liz A.
on 2/12/08 3:13 am

did he say WHY not eating enough would cause a gain?

the body is just so weird. 

Sporty Jill
on 2/12/08 3:33 am - Norfolk, VA

The way it was explained to me was that when you expend alot of calories (my workout on Sunday expended over 500 calories/90 grams of carbs), and only take in 1400 calories/100 carbs, that means that the body only has about 900 calories/10 carbs to use for everything else that you do (sitting, reading, cooking dinner, etc).  That's really not enough (I burn well over 1500 calories at rest - verified through a metaboloic test), so the body will go into starvation mode and will hold onto as much as it can.

But...if you increase your eating then the body has the fuel to expend and will avoid starvation mode. can't just be anything you want.  You really want to strive towards good choices - lean proteins, complex carbs, fruits, veggies, etc. Hope this makes sense........

     Certified Personal Trainer
"I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. if that makes me a bitch, okay." - Madonna
Beginning Weight: 265  Current Weight:143 
So I run like a keep up! 

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