Saturday exercise ...

on 2/9/08 5:33 am - Salem, OR
OK, folks ... what did you do today for exercise? I got up early and went for a 4 mile run.  And I took a route with a VERY large hill so I had to walk up the last section of it because my legs were so shakey!  But I finished the 4 miles in 45 minutes so I thought that was pretty good considering I had to walk a bit. Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

on 2/9/08 6:58 am
So far today I just did a 2 mile power walk.  That is probably going to be it today. Katy B
Cassie W.
on 2/9/08 7:30 am

I started out the morning working with new runners who want to run a 15K by July.  I'm very excited, we have a class of about 23 runners ranging in age from 10 to 64.  After about 30 minutes of run/walking with them indoors, then I headed outside for a brisk 7.5 mile run with my regular running partner.  Tomorrow we're doing a 5K Chilly Chili run in Cazenovia, NY.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

Rob S.
on 2/9/08 7:58 am - DE
Today...I can't believe what I did today. I started out early this morning with my running partner to do a 6-mile run with intermitment speed portions.  Well less than 200 yards down the road along the river, I tripped and took a spill.  Landed on my knees and chin.  It was a mess.  Luckily the knees were only surface cuts.   I went ahead and ran the rest of the six miles.  I think I may need to get a new pair of glasses for running so I can handle the roads and trails.  I think I'll be black and blue for a couple of weeks now. Rob
Earl C.
on 2/9/08 8:03 am - Circleville, OH

This is the workout I should had done Friday but my back was still sore from Wed's workout. Rest did me good. Did a few walking sessions Thursday. 3:25 pm to 4:45 pm @ Barbell Club 4 sets x 15 DB Incline Press (This is an experiment for me that I heard the German shot putters do. Pick one exercise, pick a weight you can do 4 sets of 15 reps fairly easily before any kind of warm up. Then do it before every workout, even on leg day. Increase the weight used until it's hard to do, then switch to a different exercise and start the process over again. So far so good. I started with 20 # DBs a few weeks ago, using 35# now with no warm up or strain.) warmup 15 min Suspended Front Squats Suspended Olympic good monrings Lunges with 40 # chain around neck Walk around neighborhood after I got home, just because. :) Earl Do it because nobody else will.

Linn D.
on 2/9/08 9:11 am - Missoula, MT
Didn't do quite as much as i planned, but it was a good day and felt pretty good. 50-min spin class 30 min run (treadmill) at 6.3 mph and put the incline up twice for 5 minutes each. Kinda tired by then, so only 200 m swimming. Then I went for a walk with my husband. Linn
Kevin A.
on 2/10/08 2:38 am - Bombay, CA
RNY on 08/21/06 with
8 mile "recovery" run!! It felt good. Just 3 weeks until marathon day!!
 "You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared." ~Michael Jordan~
on 2/11/08 12:39 am - Baltimore, MD
55 minute stationary bike 16.5 miles (though, no Rob, the bike didn't really go anywhere)  to a transition run of 25 minutes (three miles). Rob. Hope you aren't too black and blue from your spill. Those can be scary, no doubt. Congrats on being able to finish the run and be careful out there!
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