New to this

Dana H.
on 2/6/08 12:56 am - Elmo, MT
Hello all, I am newly back on track and check in daily on the WLS grads forum and found this one today.  I am really trying to form new habits and have been walking fairly regularly since January 11th.  I walk an hour a day and have recently upped my mileage to over 4.5 miles per hour.  I want to start jogging/running but I guess the formerly obese person in me is afraid.  I have lost 8 pounds of a 30 pound regain and am on the right track.  I have made a mini goal that when I get back down to 180 (12 pounds to go), I will buy myself some running shoes and incorperate running into my routine.  does anyone have any words of wisdom for me?  I am on a very low carb plan right now, but intend to incorperate good carbs soon. I eat about 1000 to 1100 calories a day and have cut all snacking. 
Back on Track Dana
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal    
Molly Mae
on 2/6/08 6:23 am - WA
Hey Dana! Sounds like you are doing awesome. Doesn't it feel fantastic to be taking control again instead of being owned by your failures? Good for you! Good for all of us here on the fitness forum becuase for a long time, working out wasn't even on the radar for me.  Anyway, What about weight training? I have been lifting heavy weights and doing cardio seriously for three weeks and am seeing results. The more muscle you gain the easier it will be to burn fat. I would definately work some healthier carbs back into your diet. You will feel better with the right amout of carbs and fat in there with those quality proteins. You can do what I do and "carb taper". That means I eat my oats or yogurt or piece of toast in the AM and by the PM I will have a spinach salad, and not have any complex carbs for dinner but instead have some fiberous veggies. Find out your BMR by using an online calculator and never let your body fall below that when you are working out. If you do...your just burning up muscle, which is a big problem! Look at your muscles as precious fat burning machines. The more you have the better. Drink a protien shake after your workout and add a little fat to a shake right before bed. This will help you too. What do you think?
Linn D.
on 2/6/08 7:40 am - Missoula, MT
Dana, All of us runners were right there with you when we started running.  If you really want to know, I started running at about the weight you are now, so don't think you have to wait until you reach a certain number.  I'm not going to advise on food/calories - that's so individual and you should discuss that with a nutritionist or your physician.  But, as you work harder, you will eventually need more food. There are a lot of walk to jog or couch to 5K plans free online.  What a lot of us would say is pick a 5K race that you want to do in about 3 months, sign up for it so you are committed, and start from there.  There's just something about signing up for something that really drives you to want to complete it.  Most of these plans call for cross-training and strength training also, so you get a good variety in the workouts. Advice on running: first and foremost is getting fitted for the right shoe for your foot, gait, and frame.  Having the right shoes will go a long way to making the transition easier.  My feet never hurt or get blisters with the right shoes. Get exercise clothes you like and are comfortable in.  If you like wearing them, you'll like working out/running in them also.  Be aware that you may need to try different sports bras.  I haven't had any plastics and have a lot of trouble with sores under my breasts - especially when I do long runs, so I have a couple different bras for different activities. There are many good resources on this message board.  Many have run marathons and do triathlons, so someone will almost always have a good answer to your questions.  Don't be afraid to ask. All my best to you, Linn
Brian Meiers
on 2/7/08 8:27 am - SF Bay Area, CA
RNY on 08/18/04 with
Great advice on the shoe fitting and the clothing!  People that succeed at meeting their exercise goals are those that enjoy what they are doing.  If they don't like it, for what ever reason, they will stop doing it. One thing that sucks the joy out of exercise is poor fit in clothing and equipment.   Cheers, Brian
liz A.
on 2/7/08 11:03 pm
that clothing thing is so true.  my track pants shrunk in the they really did....the vertical way.  they are too short right now & I feel like a dork wearing them to the gym, but they are all I have till I get to the store....makes me think I should just exercise at home, but I make myself go anyway. dorkiness & all my friend always says she thinks she would workout more if she had cute workout clothes.  
Brian Meiers
on 2/7/08 8:28 am - SF Bay Area, CA
RNY on 08/18/04 with
Keep up the great work!  You're doing great.  Follow the advice below and you you'll do fine.  Get proper fitting shoes and clothes you're comfortable in and start easing yourself into running.  Soon enough you'll be amazed at how the miles fly beneath your heels. Enjoy!! Brian
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