Finished first marathon!
Hey all, I ran (and finished) my very first marathon last Sunday!! It was the Rock and Roll in Phoenix, AZ and it was fabulous! Great music, lots of spectators, and great weather. I started running about 3.5 years ago and have run several 10k and 3 half marathons before, but never a full marathon. It feels wonderful to have trained for something for so long and then be able to actually follow through and finish. For any of you just beginning to run, it is such an amazing form of exercise and the rewards just keep coming. Thanks for letting me share, Linn
Great job Linn. I bet it was exhilerating to cross the finish line?
I'm running my first triathlon of the season next weekend and my first marathon next month. I've got triathlons scheduled all year long with my 'big' one being the Escape from Alcatraz tri in June. I'm crossing my fingers that I get a slot. They pick 1 male and female triathlete from each state in a lottery system. Hopefully nobody else in Louisiana will be stupid enough to want to put their body through it and I'll get my slot! :)
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
5'6" - 302/155-158
Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06
Mary, Thank you so much. My plan is to work on swimming and doing some tri's this summer, but I go to Phoenix every year for the Rock and Roll, so I think I'll at least do that one again. I just need to get the runner's trots under control. 7 trips to the porta potty adds a lot to your time! The town I live in also does a marathon in July. We'll see how I feel come March. If I'm getting enough swimming in and can manage the time for long runs I should be able to do it. It's all about having goals. That's what keeps me going. Linn