Need Some Help From The Running Experts....

Sporty Jill
on 1/14/08 11:11 pm - Norfolk, VA that I'm pretty much recouped from plastics and have started my running again, I am out to start working on my next goal. prepare for it, I saw the nutritionist yesterday, because I have decided to run in the Rock and Roll Marathon Labor day weekend.  I'm going to do the 1/2 marathon portion of it.  

So...knowing that my body is going to require alot of nutrition to get through the training and the actual run, I decided I would work with my nutritionist to get through this.

Currently, I take in about 1400 calories, 130 - 150 grams of protein and 50 - 75 carbs per day.  Plus, drink 7 (16 ounce) bottles of water.  Pretty good, huh???  Uuummm.....NOT!  I have to eat more......she said that I am too active now to be at these levels and need to add 25+ grams of carbs, we negotiated a cut back on protein to 130 (yes...NEGOTIATED - haha) and increase calories a little.

She wants me to start by changing my afternoon snack of protein to crackers w/ peanut butter 9as a start).  I agreed to have oatmeal 3 days a week (to start) instead of my eggs and turkey sausage.  I agreed to add a bit of sweet potato to my dinners a few days a week and even some brown rice.

Here's where I need help......the thought of eating more not only terrifies me, but I'm not sure that I can.  The nutritionist looked at my food journal and commented on the fact that I am constanly eating and could not figure out when I had time to work out - haha. do I eat more? I don't eat wheat tortillas (like a wrap) because it gets stuck, I don't eat bread (same reason), but can go toasted bread (she came up with melted cheese on a toasted multi-grain english muffin), I eat very little wheat pasta and would actually prefer spaghetti squash instead.
One suggestion she came up with was change the foods that I eat.  For example...tomorrow we are having tacos.  Instead of 3 ounces of ground turkey, she suggested havine 1 1/2 ounces of ground turkey and add black beans and corn to increase my carbs without really increasing the amount of food intake.  Since I don't eat the shell, she suggested adding a bit of brown rice to the mixture.

So...I need the accountability that I'm doing what I'm suppose to be doing, suggestions beyond adding granola to my yogurt (because I already do that) and the support that it's ok......

She said that if I don't do this, I will not make it.  My body will not have the fuel for these harder runs in preparation.  And when I figured out how many miles Iogged in last week in just running (forget the walking and dvd exercise) I can see where she is coming from. I REALLY want to do this...I set this goal last year and have even pushed off my next plastic surgery until AFTER the marathon so I can run in it. Thanks in advance.......

     Certified Personal Trainer
"I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. if that makes me a bitch, okay." - Madonna
Beginning Weight: 265  Current Weight:143 
So I run like a keep up! 

on 1/15/08 12:01 am - Salem, OR
Hi Jill! I'm also training for a 1/2 marathon!  My dietician told me very similar things as yours.   I eat oatmeal every day and I really enjoy it.  I mix mine with milk instead of water to add some protein.  I also don't tolerate breads very well unless they are toasted.  I eat whole wheat toast with peanut butter on it and that works well before I work out.  Another thing I've found that goes down okay are whole wheat pita pockets.  If I put some ham and cheese inside with a squirt of ranch and then put the whole thing in the toaster oven to crisp up, I can tolerate that.  And it tastes good!   I make tacos a lot with ground turkey and instead of tortillas, I use hard corn shells.  I usually only eat one of them and it goes down okay.  I like the idea of adding beans and corn.  But corn doesn't always sit well with me but if it's mixed in, I might be able to do it.  I have a recipe for lasagna with whole wheat noodles and ground turkey if you're interested!  I can get that down okay but eating a dish with mostly pasta in it won't work for me.   Anyway, I can relate ... it'll be interested to see if you get any other ideas!  I need them too! Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

Sporty Jill
on 1/15/08 12:42 am - Norfolk, VA
Thanks so's just an odd feeling to be told that you sure do eat alot, but you aren't eating enough - haha.   And recently I complained about my nibbling...... If you could send me that recipe, that would be great! Thanks!

     Certified Personal Trainer
"I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. if that makes me a bitch, okay." - Madonna
Beginning Weight: 265  Current Weight:143 
So I run like a keep up! 

on 1/15/08 1:40 am - Salem, OR
EASY LASAGNA *  1 pound ground turkey *  3 cups Prego Traditional Spaghetti sauce (1 jar) *  6 dry whole wheat lasagna noodles *  1 container (15 oz.) ricotta cheese *  3 cups shredded mozarella cheese *  1/4 cup water In skillet, cook ground turkey until browned.  Add Prego sauce and heat through. In a 2-quart oblong baking dish, spread 1 1/2 cups Prego mixture.  Top with 3 dry lasagna noodles.  Spread half the ricotta over the top of the dry noodles,  Sprinkle half the mozarella over the ricotta.  Top with 3 dry noodles and then the remaining ricotta and mozarella.  Spoon remaining Prego mixture over the top.  Slowly poor 1/4 cup water around the inside edge of the dish.  Cover with foil. Bake at 375 for 45 minutes.  Uncover and bake an additional 10 minutes. Remove from oven and let stand for 10 minutes before serving. Makes 12 servings.   Approximate nutritional content per serving:  307 calories, 18 grams carbs, 16 grams fat, 23 grams protein

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

(deactivated member)
on 1/15/08 3:16 am
I'm going for a 1/2 marathon in November as well - I usually eat between 2000-2500 calories a day and have no problem maintaining with that amount, as long as I'm running and don't make it junk calories (I have a tootsie roll fetish that I have to watch!). A couple of things I have done is add fruit to a snack or meal a couple of times a day. At lunch I'll start with 1/2 a banana or apple, then eat my lunch. Then I'll eat the other half during one of my later snacks. I also do the crackers with peanut butter or cheese, that helps keep my energy up. I'm also hypoglycemic so I have to eat every couple of hours and I make sure my food has a protein/carb combo each time. It keeps me stable and I feel more satisfied. I have to admit that since I have upped my exercise I do get hungrier so it's pretty easy for me to add calories. And nothing bothers me so I have pretty free reign on anything. I still don't eat bread much and pasta almost never, but protein bars are a biggie for me. They are quick and easy and help keep my sugar stable. The ones I eat (Atkins) have a good combo of carbs, protein and fiber. Plus, I feel like I'm eating candy! A great website I use for recipes is - the lady who created this had surgery as well and is a cook. She has amazing recipes, I've never eaten one I didn't like. But these might give you some new ideas to mix things up for you. Hope that helps - I know it's scary to add calories but if you do it slowly and monitor it you should do just fine. Good luck!
Sporty Jill
on 1/15/08 8:25 am - Norfolk, VA
Thank you so VERY much!!!  After reading this, I feel alot better. Thank you!!!!

     Certified Personal Trainer
"I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. if that makes me a bitch, okay." - Madonna
Beginning Weight: 265  Current Weight:143 
So I run like a keep up! 

Earl C.
on 1/15/08 11:05 am - Circleville, OH

I’m not a runner, but have you thought of drinking the added nutrients you’re looking for? I understand some whey protein mixed in Gatorade, sipped before, during and after training really helps with the added calories, protein and help to restore your electrolytes from long distance training. Earl

on 1/16/08 12:51 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Great input.  I can't do Gatorade yet it makes me dump which isn't good before, during or after a run. So let me cut to teh topic, I have a banana and strawberry smoothie with a 23g scoop of whey protein in the morning or a reduced fat PB and banana sandwich on wheat bread during the day. Hmmm,..let me start over. 1st hurdle was to get more protein in, so I started the fruit smoothies and was refrred to teh Pure Protein bars I still live by (180 calories 40 from fat, 20gms protein, 17g crab, 2 gm sugar, 4 gm surgar alcohol).  I eat 2 mid morning and 2 mid afternoon and usually two over the course of the day  ( so 4 to 6 a day = 80 to 120 gms protein plus food) which I keep at a minimum because that is 720 to 1080 calories a day too; half my intake). I found I need to increase (as my mileage increase) my iron intake, then my B12 intake, then finally due to some depression and dizziness/weak-kneed feeling, potassium (a key ingredient in Gatorade).   The last piece of the puzzle as I have sought to get faster is I need more carbs, so I have incorporated a reduced fat peanut butter and banana sandwich on wheat bread into my menu once a day (breakfeast, dinner or lunch probably 4-5 days a week) and I use the Lance Nekot (PB) cookies as a snack as 1 pack provided 30 gm carbs (but be careful,... as they can be addicitive and also have 240 calories, 110  from fat, 13 g sugar, and 7g protein).    I have also learned about energy drinks and caffiene.  I still don;t do carbonated drinks and use a cafinated powder additive in my water or the SoBe Lean energy drink but they have to be spaced out or they can make you feel exhasuted.   I do 3 days on a dn 2-3 days off.  I drink them 1-2 hrs before a run. Before a race, I get up and make a egg white, protein powder, banana, and OJ smoothie with my morning vitamins 3 to 4 hours before the race.  Then I sip an energry drink up to 2 hrs before.  If nerves get the best of me, I'll do  a protein bar or two with some water, but the mor eyou drink those last 2 hrs, the more the have to hunt and stay close to the port-a-johns pre-race. I haven't broke any records yet but that is what I've learned over the last year of jogging.
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
Earl C.
on 1/16/08 1:02 am - Circleville, OH
Hey Joe, I don't do Gatorade either. But heard others have. I do this mix but with splenda, glutamine, creatine, 20 g of whey and sugar free kool aid. This helps me get my water, protein and other supplements in. I sip this during and after my workout and it really seems to help keep me from crashing better than just drinking water does. Great tips Joe. Earl
on 1/17/08 10:50 am - Baton Rouge, LA

Joe try the new G2 Gatorade.   It tastes a little bit different than the real thing but it's still good and it only has around 8 carbs per serving. (17 total total per bottle I think)

I didn't like it at first because it didn't have the 'salty' taste of regular Gatorade but after I drank a few bottles I found that the 'salty' taste is there, it's just a little hidden.  :)

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