Thursday Workout
Glad you're back Dan. Gezzz TG someone else started one of these things.
wierd day for me. Split up the workout throughout the day.
3 pm to 3:40 pm @ home gym
warmed up by moving 1000# of barbell plates from the garage to the basement.
then circuits of
Seated calf raises
1 legged calf raises
Inclined Leg raises
Grip work
10:30 to 11 pm @ work gym
Wide Grip Pulldowns
Narrow Grip Pulldowns
Circuits of
Diesel Shrugs
DB Shrugs
Rope pulls to face
12:45 am to 1:15 am @ work gym
walk treadmill 30 min 2.8 mph, up to level 8 EZ walk
I actually like splitting it up like this, I can be more intense than If I tried to do everything in one long workout. I actually end up goofing off (resting) more if I know I have all day to train.

Those who work the hardest often complain the least."