Wed workout

Earl C.
on 1/9/08 8:59 am - Circleville, OH
Tuesday - took the day off, not on purpose. Just busy at work. Wednesday 12:30 to 1:30 pm @ Barbell Club 10 min warmup Power Snatch/Overhead Squats (gotta get used to this one again) Suspended Squats Romanian Deadlifts/grip work Full Snatch with empty bar just playing around probably do some calf and abs stuff at the home gym when I get off tonight (around midnight) Earl

The Six W's: Work will win when wishing won't. -- Todd Blackledge


Rob S.
on 1/9/08 9:56 am - DE

I actually have gotten my wife back to the gym in 2008.  It's great, since it is a long drive there and back.  Give us time to decompress and talk.  She's swimming laps.  I did my 90-minute spin class tonight.  The instructor had us finish on an 8-minute hill climb pursuit, so I'm beat.  Next week when I start the 30-day triathlon I need to figure out if I can float in the pool. Rob

on 1/9/08 11:43 pm - Colonial Heights, VA

You guys are busting my chops to keep up!!

Thanks for the motivation!

I've gone out 3 days straight now.  Not back to my previous pace or distance yet but thats the penalty for taking 3 weeks off I guess.  I have a date with my daughter to get some more mileage in this evening.  I'll keep you posted.

Rob,...dude,...triathalon, got guts and,...... well, have my admiration.  Where do you put in the energizer batteries????  you taking steriods??

Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
Rob S.
on 1/10/08 2:29 am - DE
Just remember it's a 30-day triathalon.  You could run a mile a day and finish this one. Rob
on 1/10/08 12:28 am - Salem, OR
I went to the gym and wrestled my way through all the "New Years Resolution Newbies" who are taking over the gym ... I'm hoping they give up soon so I can have some more peace and quiet!  Ha, ha, ha! Anyway, I ran on the treadmill for 3 miles ... I warmed up the first mile at 5.5 mph and then ran two miles at 6.0 mph.  Then walked to cool down for 1 mile.  It felt great! Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

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