Post Op Options?
This is a tough time. You are motivated and feeling good and missing your workout. But please do exactly what the doctor says to do and keep "walking your butt off". There is so much more surgery on the inside that requires healing than what you see on the outside. Prematurely pushing beyond what the doctor has advised can cause scar tissue or tearing. My doctor is a fitness nut and is married to a personal trainer. So he is pretty aggressive in the amount of exercise a person should do. However, he evaluated my lifestyle and how I work and wouldn't release me from lifting restrictions for 8 weeks because of the potential damage I could do with what were normal activiites for me. Most people can be released at 6 weeks. I know it sounds like forever, but by doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing, you are actually speeding up the process. To do more than you should could cause injury and delay things even longer. Katy B.