Staying On Track This Holiday!

Kathy S.
on 12/21/07 1:08 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Eating is just as important as exercising.  They go together like kids and puppy dogs, protein drinks and weight loss, beaches and sun sets. 

Let’s share some of our suggestions for staying on track and not gaining this holiday.  Come on in and let's help each other feel good during this holiday weekend.  My helpful hints: Try to keep as little junk in the house as possible.  If you have kids and family and this is impossible then keep pre-bagged portions of protein snacks, veggies and fruit handy. Grill chicken breast and put 3-4 oz in a zip lock bag.  Hard boiled eggs, Laughing Cow cheese, cold shrimp is a great one.  Cold crab, LF peanut butter on an apple.  When everyone else is eating all day, you can too, just not the cookies, cakes and candy. Keep your favorite protein drinks/bars handy.  Load up on one before you go to a party and or have people over.  We all know there is only so much room in our tummies and if it's loaded with protein you won't have room for junk. When cooking and or baking it’s hard not to lick fingers and or nibble.  Check with your surgeon first, but I kept gum in my mouth at all times.  You can't lick a spoon and or eat cookie dough if you are chewing on a big piece of gum. Drink, Drink, Drink - WATER, then crystal light and tea Keep moving.  If you don't have time to go to the gym, go up and down a few more isles in the store, run up and down the stairs yourself instead of asking someone else to go for you.  Get out and shovel that snow and or play with the kids.  Keep MOVING. I keep an 8 x 10 before photo of me on my fridge.  If eggnog is calling my name and or anything else in that kitchen, the consequences of that bad choice is in my face.

If you are more than a few years out and you have control, then go ahead and eat a bite or two of something.  Put the portion on your plate and “no more”.  Break that cookie in half and eat only the half.  Portion control is the key to eating what you want and staying on track.  Oh, and track what you eat….if you ate a few more cals then make up for it during your exercise routine!

The bottom line is we can have fun and enjoy the Holidays without passing out like stuffed pigs on the couch at the end of the day.   And no Monday morning regrets on the scales.  See ya on the Move To Lose thread

May Peace and Love be with you this holiday and enjoy

 Take care,


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