Wednesday's workout

Earl C.
on 12/19/07 10:17 am - Circleville, OH
8 pm to 9 pm @  work gym 15 min warm up Power Cleans Front Squats Partial Front Squats Good mornings I'm beat. Still moving to a new place so that's is taking up my training time. Earl

"That which does not kill you, will make you stronger, if you die, then you shouldn't have been working out with me anyway."


on 12/20/07 12:02 am - Salem, OR
Hey Earl! I ran for 2 miles on a hill program on the treadmill at 6.2 mph.  Then I walked a brisk mile to cool down.  Still have some slight discomfort in my bum knee so I'm trying not to overdo it. Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

Earl C.
on 12/20/07 5:09 am - Circleville, OH
Great job hanging in there Deanna. Nobody can train at 100% all the time. You have to cycle down sometimes, especially when you're injured. Earl
on 12/20/07 5:58 am - Springfield, MO

Hello All

This is my first post of many more to come on this board, It also is the first day of my new workout routine. Thanks Earl and the guys on the men’s board on your advise on changing over to working with free weights for adding muscle mass.

1 mile warm up on treadmill  5X5’s on the following Bench press Dumbbell press Lateral raise, side arm, and front  Standing barbell curl Dumbbell curl, standing, seated Bent over row Triceps pulley pushdown  Pull down Squats  Cable cross over Incline press Lower back Abdominal crunches I felt great doing this new workout but I have a feeling I won’t be able to move in the morning. Alan

Alan Hartman
Obesity Help. Com Certified Support Group Leader.


OH groups leader of the Men's Locker Room Support Group
Come join the Men’s Locker Room online support group. A place where only us guys can post and talk. 
Proud to be in the “Before and After photo section in OH Magazine. (September/October 2009) and in the May 2010 issue of 417 Magazine (Losing it)

on 12/20/07 7:20 am - Salem, OR
Welcome aboard, Alan!  Glad to have you here! Wow, I'm totally impressed with all those weights you did ... I don't think I'd be able to get out of bed the next day if I tried to do all that!  It's always a great feeling to have sore muscles though ... great job! Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

Earl C.
on 12/20/07 11:44 am - Circleville, OH

Hey Alan,


Glad you got started, that’s the hardest part.

I don’t normally say anything about someone else’s program. I just see some things that might help you before you get too involved in this. Just some suggestions and a little reading. Here’s a link to an article a friend of mine wrote. It might be even more confusing, but it explains there’s more than one way to do this 5x5 program. So my suggestions are just that…they’re not written in stone or meant to say what you’re doing won’t work.


1. I think you’re doing too much in one workout. I would split it up into 2 workouts and    alternate them.

Workout A -  Mon

Workout B – Wed

Workout A – Fri

Workout B – Mon (you get the idea…this is surprisingly effective for getting big and strong)

Workout A


Warmup Bench press Incline press or Dumbbell Incline press Overhead Press Lateral raises Pushdowns Abs


Workout B


Warm up Squat Bent over rows Pulldowns Barbell Curls Abs

  1. 5 sets of 5 works good with Compound movements like Bench press and squats, but for Isolation exercises, like Laterals and pushdowns, you might want to go a little lower on sets and higher on reps like 3 or 4 sets of 10 to 12 reps.


  1. There are different definitions of 5 x 5. Read Dan’s article for some of them.  But I might do 6 or 7 sets just to warm up in the squat before I even get to my working weight for 5 x 5. So in reality I’m doing 11 or 12 sets of squats. When you can do all your work sets for 5 reps the weight is too light…”next” workout add weight. You might only get 3 or 4 reps on the last set or 2, but the “goal” is 5 sets of 5 reps, once you reach it add weight. Some people use the first 2 or 3 sets of 5 to get warmed up and just the last 2 sets are all out work sets. Once you can do the last 2 sets for 5 reps...add weight the next workout. (this is probably a better way to start doing 5 x 5)

Everything works for somebody. You just have to experiment and find out what works for you.

Good luck Earl

on 12/21/07 2:19 am - Springfield, MO

Hi Earl

I read the article I like the alternatives, but for now I think I will keep it simple and try the routine you suggested. I guess I have to get use to the fact more isn’t better. I really appreciate your help because when it comes to free weight I am lost. Alan

Alan Hartman
Obesity Help. Com Certified Support Group Leader.


OH groups leader of the Men's Locker Room Support Group
Come join the Men’s Locker Room online support group. A place where only us guys can post and talk. 
Proud to be in the “Before and After photo section in OH Magazine. (September/October 2009) and in the May 2010 issue of 417 Magazine (Losing it)

michelle O.
on 12/20/07 8:32 am - Tampa, FL
Hi Earl,  Well I am home from my thigh lift...all went really well. My surgeon took off 2lbs of loose skin from each thigh!! They look great...Very very swollen so my butt is parked for a while...I am really looking forward to being back in the gym...It's so inspiring seeing the skin gone and wow for the first time in my life there is a gap between my legs above my knees!!!  Hope all is well!! Kicked butt at your workout!! Michelle
Earl C.
on 12/20/07 8:41 am - Circleville, OH
Hope you heal up quickly Michelle. Hugs Earl
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