Rob' End of Year Recap...

Rob S.
on 12/14/07 10:43 am - DE

This is a great idea, Scott. But I really like to type so hopefully it doesn't get too long.

Recap of 2007. It's actually a bit early for a recap since I still have two 5k's left this year, but it's still fun to look back on an exciting 2007.

I began running for the first time in my life in 2006. My goal for 2007 was to run a 5k under 30 minutes.

I started in January, by particpating in a 30-day Cape Mid-Atlantic Triathalon. What most people do in one day, we completed during a 30-day span. The running (26 miles) and cycling (112 miles) were fairly easy to complete the first two-weeks. The swimming was a bear. I am not a swimmer, and don't enjoy laps so it took a lot of time to complete all the laps (154 at my gym) required to complete the 2.4 mile swim. I plan on doing this event again in 2008. You may want to join in.

My first race was in March (Kelly Logan Hlouse 5k). It was bitter cold and none of my friends showed up for the race. I ran the race in 34'13". Slow and pitiful. But I ran the entire distance without walking so I was semi-happy. I still imagined breaking the 30 minute barrier. The next weekend I participated in a 50 mile bike ride downstate.

I ran my second timed 5k in late-April, the YMCA Race Against Racism. I set a good pace and finished in 30'01". Still waiting on breaking that 30 minute barrier. I actually felt like I could do better if I improved my middle mileage.

In May, I started the month with a 60-mile bike ride. At the end of the month I did another 50-miler.

June was a busy month. I ran the 7th Miles for Molly in 29'21". I think I like the heat. Finallly cracked the 30 minute mark. I felt good at the two-mile mark and accelerated for my fastest finish yet. When I saw the finsih line clock I knew that I had this race beat. The next weekend I ran the Heart of a Champion 5k and felt really sick prior to the run. On top of that my iPod went dead right before the race started. I finished in 32 minutes. I was really depressed wondering where I lost all my time, but this was a very hilly run. And to my surprise the entire racing group actually ran an extra 1k because they were mis-directed on the first turn out of the school.

On June 30th, I tried another 5k, the Inaugural Race for Time 5k, and finished in 28:43. This really helped my psyche, since it was another PR.

In July, my brother and I rode a metric century in the American Cancer Ride, an exhilirating ride across the Ben Franklin Bridge with 6,000 riders. We set a fast pace and finished ride in just under four hours, stopping a few times for energy refills along the way. Then I completed the 5th Summer Blood Challenge 5k in 28'08". Breaking 28 minutes was a new goal that I wanted to reach in 2007. This old body appears to enjoy running. I think my brother is upset because I'm spending more time running than cycling, and he's off doing 100-mile rides now.

August was more running and cycling. The 3rd Pace for Prevention 5k was a nice break. I finished in 28'00". I couldn't break that 28 minute mark, even though I gave it everything at the finish. I started a little slow and in the back of the pack and never really got a good rhythm. But shouldn't feel too bad, since it was another PR. The next weekend was really hot and humid. I completed the 3rd Tour de Lance 5k in 28'30". I had spent the hours prior to the race in a dentist chair having a bridge put in, probably not the best plan. I was really dehydrated during the race, and my running partner set a torrid 7'30" pace (for me anyway) for the first mile. I had to drop back and finished slow. One good thing is that I have never walked during any of my 5ks. The next two weekends were 50-mile prep rides getting ready for the 150-mile Bike to the Bay.

September was a month! It was hard to find local races. I ran my first dualathalon. It was exciting but I was fairly intimidated by the athletes in this race. They had professional bikes and there were only 5 rookies (including myself) particpating in this race. The dualathalon was comprised of a 1.5 mile run, 20-mile cycle ride, and a final 5k run. I finished in 1 hour 52 minutes. Last in my age group, and near the bottom of all finishers (97 of 111, 200 started). The only thing that I liked was that I did the final run in 26 minutes 46 seconds (maybe it was a short 5k). This is the first event that I have finished, and had nothing left. So the next weekend, I ran the Doggie Doo 5k Run at Winterthur. A scenic run, although the entire race was held in a downpour. Nice and flat, except for the last 1/4 mile up a hill to the finish line. I set a PR of 27'26". Pretty exciting to break 28 minutes this year.

The last weekend of September I rode the MS 150 Bike to the Bay. This is the biggest cycling event in Delaware, and my third ride since my RNY in 2003. It is a 2-day event. My brother and I rode this. He set a torrid pace and his training really showed. I rode most of the first day solo, but still finished in 3 1/2 hours even taking a lunch break along the way. Since I had to wait for some friends to cross the finish line, I ran 5-miles along the beach and still felt great.

The next morning, we got out real early and raced back to the starting line. The finish is sort of anti-climatic since we finished before the crowds had gathered to greet the bikers. Next year I may only do the first day and run on the second. I basically put my bike in storage after this ride for the year.

In late October, I ran the e-racing the Blues 5k in 27'55". Still under the 28 minute mark, but I can see a new goal looming for 2008.

In November, I stayed pretty active. I started the month out running the Cooper AmeriHealth Bridge Challenge. This is a big race in Philadelphia-Camden which criss-crosses the Ben Franklin Bridge and then run through Rutgers University. There were over 5,000 runners doing this 10k. I finished the race in 59'45", and actually got an award for best first-timer in my age group (old). I ran the 5k Judicata the next weekend in 27'44". Not my best time, but certainly felt good about the finish. The next week I ran my second 10k, the PNC Run for MS, and finished in 59'08". I felt pretty good during this race, but didn't keep track of my time, and ran hard when I saw the finish line clock so that I stay under one hour. I passed a little 9-year boy in the last 200 yards. I felt bad for him, but I wanted to finish strong so I felt like everyone was fair game. The last weekend in November I decided to try a 5k cross-country, my only mistake so far. The trail was muddy, the hills steep, and the terrain was slippery. I finished in 31'05", last in my age group, and decided that cross-country is definitely not for me.

So this month, I've been trying to run some 5 and 7 milers on the weekend. No competition. Just me and the road. One final 5k this year on Dec. 30th to wrap up the year.

What's up for 2008? How about breaking 27 minutes in the 5k? Running another dualathon, maybe in 1 hour and 45 minutes? Running my first 10-miler in January (Icicle Run) and the Broad Street Run in PHL. Running a half-marathon in March 2008 (Ceasar Rodney)? I also plan on doing two centuries in Maryland and N.J. Maybe a Sprint if I can improve the swimming? Signing up for the Disney Marathon in 2009. Hope you can join me.

Enough of a rant. See you on the road. Hopefully with faster feet.


Scott William
on 12/14/07 10:14 pm
It sounds like you had a pretty full year.  I bet that two years ago you didn't even know that there were running events in your area.  I have probably only run in 30% or so of the local races.  There is one every weekend.   Now about this:  "I passed a little 9-year boy in the last 200 yards".  Did you call him names as you passed?  How about kick some dirt in his face?  Keep up the great work in 08.  I will see you at the 09 Disney race. I think that I may do the 5K and the half and cheer for the full.  You can fake the half with poor training.  There is no faking the full and I don't have as much time as I would like.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 12/15/07 11:19 am - Long Island, NY
Rob, What a fantastic year you've had!  Congratulations on all you have accomplished. Mary

5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

on 12/17/07 1:08 am - Baltimore, MD
Nice that you and your brother get to share these experience together. Very nice year Rob. Congrats!
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