Here is my year recap -- How about yours.

Scott William
on 12/11/07 1:23 am
The end of the year is upon us.  The running season in the north has slowed to a crawl.  I would like to get a recap on everyone's 07'.  I think that everyone deserves their own thread.  If you are here and are exercising regularly, you are getting it done!  Way to go and keep it up.   Well, my 2007 started with a bang at the Disney Marathon in Orlando.  On January 7, 2007 I finished without my chip but with a clock time of about 5:42.  This was easliy the hottest run I have ever experienced and if it were a training run, it would have been cancelled.  The recovery took a few days and it hurt to pee for a while but the entire thing was well worth it. A month later, I saw a marathon advertised in Hyannin, MA.  I figured that since I was already in marathon shape I would do one of the races.  One of the big things that drew me there was the clydesdale divison.  For men a clydesdale is anyone over 190 and a super is over 225.  I was super alright weighing in at 242.  The only question then became, the half or full.  The full gave a bigger medal so there is your answer.  I finished this in 5:20 and ran with a girl who liked to talk.  It passed the time. I also ran two halfs this year.  One in April that I finished in 2:06 and another in October that I did in 2:03.  You can probably guess my goal for my next one.  The April race was fun and the weather was perfect while the October race was hot and miserable.   Most of my other races were 5K's and I had my best time of 24:16 sometime in Arpil or May.  Most of my 5K finishes are in the 25-25:30 range and there were probably 15 of them.  I will start on the speed work in the late winter months and try to knock that down in the 23's.  That is next years goal. There was one race where I "gave up running forever" and that was Johnny Kelley's New London, CT race.  Again it was hot and that is my biggest nemasis.  The race was 11.6 miles long but it is in the open and on city streets.  No heat relief.  Anyway, between miles 8-9 there is a long hill that again, is in full sun.  Half way up I was kicking and screaming about, "what the hell am I doing here, what do I have to prove".  Oh, yeah, I was crying like a baby.  I finished with a better time than my previous year though so it could not have been that bad. My proudest running moment came when I ran in the Special Olympics Torch Run.  It was one run that I always aspired to do but couldn't.  That day made me feel especially triumphant. On to next year.  I will participate in Disneys Goofy race and a half a month from now.  I have signed up to run the half on Saturday and the full on Sunday.  I see no problem with finishing but the times obviously won't be great.  The good thing is that they never are.  Finish two races and get three medals.  Of course, I will post a report. One thing that I have to be careful of is my weight.  It is back over 250 hanging out between 250 and 255.  I would like to be lighter (240 would be great).  I guess that ultimately the weight thing is why we are all here. Let's hear your story!

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 12/13/07 12:31 am - Colonial Heights, VA
What do you think is happening with your weight with all of the training and racing you are doing?? I ask because I have a vested interest.  I've been stuck at 230 since late July/August and really want to get lighter before my first anniversary 10K in April.  I've been as high as 240 and as low as 224.  I was at 233 this morning. I'm trying to get back to focus on just protein and water bu tht protein intake alone is at 2000 calories (8 protein bars @170 calories each/20 gms protein) plus some meat at lunch and dinner,..but I am minimizing dinner more frequently to 2 protein bars. What have you got going?
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
Scott William
on 12/13/07 2:07 am
Joe, If I have to come clean, it is all the twix bars.  Not just them but I eat a lot of crap including ice cream.  I have just discovered that I have a sugar addiction.  I am not sure how much mental and physical but its there.  It is time to get a handle on it.  That is my issue.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
(deactivated member)
on 12/13/07 4:05 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Not to butt in, but it sounds like you are just living on protein bars!  If you are a heavy exerciser, you certainly need protein, but you need carbs as well.  Plus, if you are eating the same thing all the time, your body can become accustomed to that and will seek a set-point.   You may be able to get your body to lose more by switching up what you are eating -- use more real food, less protein bars, and mix in some good carbs.  If you're a heavy weight lifter, I think you need 1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight.  So if you weigh 233, you'd need to get 233 grams of protein.  Keep in mind that this is for people who are heavily into weight lifting.   If you're more into running and do strength training to support your running "habit," you may want to consider a diet composition where you get 25-35% of your calories from protein, 35-50% from carbs, and 20-30% from fat.  (Exact percentages can vary based on total calorie intake.)  For example, I aim for 2000 calories per day, 50% carbs, 25% protein, 25% fat, which works out to 250 grams of carbs, 125 grams of protein, and 55 grams of fat.  When I eat this way, I still lose - pretty slowly at this point (~5 pounds per month), but consistently.   Sometimes you have to switch things up to "trick" your body into losing more weight.  I know I do!  Good luck on your continuing journey, and best of luck with your 10K in April; I'm sure you'll kick butt!!! Kellie
on 12/13/07 4:29 am - Colonial Heights, VA


Your buttin in is more than welcome. You are mostly on target.   I recently tried weaning myself off the bars and on to more real food only to find I felt to poorly to get motivated to keep my distance up and got a cold.   I did go to reduced- fat PB and banana sandwich on wheat bread and added Lance Nekot PB cookies that get me 30 gms of carbs per pack,... 17 gms in the protein bars.   So I'm getting (8 x 17 = 136 and 4 x 30 = 120) approximately 256 to 300 gms of carbs a day in addition to the 160-200 gms of protein.  I had added some low carb Slimfast to replace some of my protein bars but that lead to drinking the Slimfast with the protein bars and I think it upped my caloric intake, that helped stall my weight loss ( and gained a bit) that had already been plateaued for 2 months.   I also went up from 230 to 240 during my protein bar withdrawal and am back down to 233 and dropping, so maybe I had to ramp-up and hit it again. I am waiting to see if I can get down below my lowest of 224 so far and this time maybe regain my journey to my goal of 200 and/or a 36 waist.  Your advice and comments are welcome anytime.  That is the beauty of the Board. Blast away!

Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
on 12/15/07 11:23 am - Long Island, NY
Scott, Congratulations on all you have accomplished this year.  I love this post - what a great idea.   Mary

5'6" - 302/155-158 

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Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

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