Thursday's workout
I took Wed off.
1 pm to 1:50 pm @ power shack
15 min warm up
Power Cleans
Suspended Front Squats
Suspened Olympic Good Mornings
8:30 pm to 9:30 pm @ work gym
Circuits of
Calf Press
1 Legged Leg Curls
Decline Situps w/ 10# on chest
walked treadmill 40 min, up to level 8, 3 mph

“Your level of achievement is determined by your level of expectation.” – Rhonda Byrne
I haven't written any rants lately. I did write an article for another newletter recently. The link as at the bottom of my profile page. I've just busy at work and spending time with my girlfriend. I'm in the process of moving in with her actually and that's eating up even more time. Moving is not one my favorite things to do in winter, but I'll get to spend more time with Beth.
Have a good holiday.