WLS and weight training

on 12/1/07 6:25 pm, edited 12/1/07 7:45 pm - Jamesburg, NJ
I was 605 lbs at the date of my surgery (April 5th 2007) and I now weigh 385 lbs. I started weight training a month ago and the sagging skin on my arms has noticeably started to disappear. I'm also 19 - so my age has me hopeful (for the whole skin issue). I'll tell you one thing though - I feel so good going to the gym 5 days a week for 2 hours - cause even if it had done nothing for my loose skin I simply feel so much better regardless! It seems every session I can do more - whether increase the weight I lift or the incline and speed on the treadmill...it's something that keeps me motivated! This surgery was a means to save my life essentially - and I figured if I am going to go through all this I'm going to give it my all - I want to be as healthy as possible! I mean I find myself on the 2 days off a week I take from the gym wanting to get in there and cardio/weight train - but I know the body needs it's rest so I just walk on those days... But the results from the gym not only help your weight loss and your look...but they also increase your overall health! Something I am siked about - because not even a year ago my "overall health" was horrible - something I will never allow myself to go through again!  Also your just 2 weeks out! So if I was you - I would talk to the doc before weight lifting....but as far as walking and all that jazz if you know and are comfortable with your limits...have at it! Just remember if it's only 30 minutes a day - exercise of any kind can greatly improve your health! So good luck, have fun, and enjoy your new lease on life!!!!  

It ain't how you die it's how you breathe - it ain't what you take it's what you leave and conceive. What you got is nothing if your soul don't represent it -...present it, because it ain't where you from it's where you been kid.
Took my heart; froze that. Promised that if I opened it up it would
never close back.

on 12/4/07 1:31 am - LA
oh yes! 
 I'm not planning to do any weight work quite yet! But soon! ...and 19 is still young enough to have that good, elastic skin! I only wish I had the skin I had at 19 *L* I think you're weight loss is amazing, and you seem to be doing exceptionally well.... I know I will benefit form the weight training even if it doesn't help (my) saggy skin, I can't wait to begin!

 continued success to you!! 
  thanks for the reply!

on 12/4/07 4:15 am - Jamesburg, NJ
Thank you. And I'm excited for you aswell!  Remember to make any excercise you do as fun as you can! And switch it up! Theres so many different ways to excercise you should never get bored!

It ain't how you die it's how you breathe - it ain't what you take it's what you leave and conceive. What you got is nothing if your soul don't represent it -...present it, because it ain't where you from it's where you been kid.
Took my heart; froze that. Promised that if I opened it up it would
never close back.

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