Wednesday's workout
Still have a little cold going. But so does everyone I know.
12:55 pm to 1:45 pm @ power shack
10 min warmup
Speed Benching
Floor press lockouts (close, med, wide grips)
Hammer Incline Press
8 pm to 8:45 pm @ work gym
10 min warm up
Barbell Front press
1 Arm DB Laterals
Rope Pulls to face

"Those who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those who are doing it."
I had my last PT session, lots of stretching, lunges squats etc. The good news is that I am probably going to be able to continue with him for personal training. I'm excited about that.
I also had a chance to get in some cross training. I did my first spin class in years. It was fun, and clearly good cross training as I wasn't able to stay out of the saddle the whole time. So, I might be able to run a marathon, but I need some work to keep up in spin class. It's a good challenge.
5'6" - 302/155-158
Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06
It's funny when I started spinning four years ago, I was intimidated by many of the cyclist. Now here I am now, a substitute accredited spin instructor, who intimidates others. I'm glad to hear you were sweating, because I always leave puddles behind next to my bike, and need to wipe down the bike so it doesn't rust. There are so many people that don't go for it during a ride. Keep up the good work.