Marathon after WLS?

on 11/26/07 1:02 am - Richardson, TX
I was wondering if anyone out there has run a marathon after WLS or know of anyone who has?I was told that because we can't get enough calories in that we can't run a marathon.  What is your opinion on that?  I know marathoners are taking in nutrients as they run so would that work and be enough?  I have always wanted to train for and run a marathon just  too scared to take the challenge.  About 15 years ago, when I was a lot smaller, I was running from 4-5 miles a day and now that I'm losing weight I want to get back into it.  Any advice would be grately appreciated. I posted this same question on the Texas board and someone suggested posting in here.   THANKS!
on 11/26/07 1:11 am
Hello I am 21 months post gastric bypass and I am currently training for a marathon in January. I usually eat a clif bar which has protein and lots of good carbs before I run and I drink water during the run and then I eat a sensible meal after I run. I started running a few months after surgery and did a few 5 and 10K runs and I do dualthons which are running and biking and they usually take me 1 hour and 30 minutes. I eat sensible before and after the exercise. I think you can run a marathon. Start running and see how your body does. It is great and I love running and biking now.
on 11/26/07 2:16 am - Richardson, TX
I'm not a big biker but I wouldn't mind doing a swim and a run.  I wonder if they have those.  I've been really bad about exercising.  I've walked maybe 5 times since surgery and that's not going to get me very far.  I've got to pick up the pace. Kim
on 11/26/07 2:14 am - Richardson, TX
That's great to know.  Do you have any suggestions on the best training plan?  I have marathoning for mortals by John Bingham.  I'm almost 6 weeks post-op and haven't really been doing any exercise so I guess I need to start walking first.  Any suggestions? Kim
Kevin A.
on 11/26/07 1:32 am - Bombay, CA
RNY on 08/21/06 with
This is totally false!!! I know many many people who have run marathons after WLS!! I'm training for the L.A. Marathon now and my coach as run many marathons and had WLS!! Don't let anyone tell you can't run a marathon!! You can just like I'm doing it now!!

Best wishes on your journey!!
 "You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared." ~Michael Jordan~
on 11/26/07 2:20 am - Richardson, TX
I thought it was but I wanted to make sure.  I had someone else tell me they have to wait till their 18 months out before they can run a marathon because there is still healing going on.  I know I would have to carry nutrition with me because my stomach is the size of about 2 chicken nuggets from McDonalds and that won't last a marathon.  I sure hope I can muster up the discipline, courage, and strength it takes to train and finish the race. Kim
Kevin A.
on 11/26/07 4:58 am - Bombay, CA
RNY on 08/21/06 with
Don't worry the farther out you get the more you will be able to eat! That why it very important to add exercise now!! Also you only have 12-18 months lose as much weight as possible after that time its harder to lose weight. So don't waste your prime time for losing!!!
 "You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared." ~Michael Jordan~
Scott William
on 11/26/07 10:08 pm
There is a link to my marathon report in my signature.  I ran the Disney marathon 13 months after WLS.  I started running early out and have not stopped.  My one work of caution would be that you do need more energy when to get the long miles in.  As soon as I started training for the marathon, I stopped losing weight.  It was probably due to the fact that I needed to eat more.  As a matter of fact, many "normal" first time marathoners report that they do not lose weight training for their first marathon. I carb load gradually for a few days leading up to the long run.  On the run, I will use powergel to supplement during the run.  You may have to try different gels as some agree with the stomach and some don't.   Three gels will get you a long way on a run.   Dispite what other WLS patients will say, you need carbohydrates to do any endurance sports.  You can go for an hour or an hour and a half with out but you will die quickly thereafter.  Good luck. BTW, my marathon report is the third post on the page.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 11/26/07 11:29 pm - Long Island, NY


As you can tell from the responses, it is definitely possible to run a marathon after wls.  I was worried about getting in enough fuel to make it through the distance, but it worked out fine.  You might need to do some experimenting when the time comes.  Just take it slow on getting into running and give your body some time to adjust to the stress of running.


5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

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