Calling all Runners!!!
Hi Deana,
I've got a pretty full slate through the end of the year. I also find that when I commit to a race I have a lot more motivation, plus they are a whole lot of fun.
I'm signed up for:
11/10/07 (Saturday) -5th DSBA Race Judicata at Iron Hill Brewery 5k -Wilm., DE
11/17/07 (Saturday) -34th Turkey Trot 5k run-Newark- DE
11/22/07 (Thursday) -29th PNC Bank Run Walk for MS 10k
12/30/07 (Sunday) -14th Race Against Time 5k run
I'm still looking for at least one more official race in early December. Probably need to look out of state. I did pick up a sponsor last night who is going to pay all my entry fees for the next three years.
I also have signed up for the Broad Street 10-miler in May, the Ceasar Rodney (half-marathon) in March. I will also be doing a couple of centuries (cycling) in May just to keep the bike from rusting away and feeling lonely.
Good luck to you on the upcoming runs,
Hi - I finished my first 5K on 11/3. And now I've signed up for a Turkey Trot 5K on 11/24. That's the only one I've signed up for so far, but I know more are in my future!!
And the Disney 1/2 marathon sounds like a great goal!!!!!!!!!

Check out the video on youtube that my partner made about my WLS journey!
I usually sign up on race day for the 5K - 10K type races. I am signed up for:
Disney 1/2 marathon on Jan 12, 2008
Disney full marathon on Jan 13, 2008
Two races --- 3 medals!
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
I haven't signed up for anything yet, but I am planning to do a couple of races before the end of the year. Right now I thinking about:
11/18 - 4 miles race 11/22 - 5 mile Turkey Trot. I need one more race to qualify for the 2008 NYC marathon. Mary
5'6" - 302/155-158
Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06
I haven't run a race yet but I'm hoping to run a 5K in December. After that I plan the Boulder Bolder (a HUGE 10K here in Colorado) but that isn't until May.
I just started to run this summer but most of it is on the treadmill. The one time I ran outside I ended up falling and cracking a couple of ribs, which put me way behind on my training. I've got to admit I am a little hesitant to try outside again, that was a painful experience!
I've loved coming up here and hearing everyones running experiences, it motivates me to keep running!